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Everything posted by Kashej

  1. anoikses to no-ip katebases to java?anoikses to start.bat?dn asxoloumai all0 oloklir0 sticky exei matakia exeis
  2. InternalHostname=>edw an 8umamai kala bazeis thn Ip apo to cmd--->ipconfig to 3 an ta lew kala ----------------->>>>>DHLADH RE FILES ELE0S OLOKLHRO STICKY TOPIC EXEI<<<<-------------------------------
  3. h dn exeis anoiksei ports h apo ta configs ebales la8os iP's Edited: H Dn exeis kleisei firewall k antivirus
  4. Nice share stef keep up...Very nice esp for gve srvrs
  5. I Prefer The 3rd One!...Nice Man..Keep Up...Very Very very good job...Brav0o0o!!!Keep Up m8
  6. k kt p ksexase o fil0s m o ultimategamers einai oti prepei na exeis anoiksei ta ports na kleiseis fire wall k anti virus
  7. Nice share ,very nice share br0...Never Appear Again Like Destiny Says...Good Job
  8. loipon akou...8a pareis to pack ...8a pas no-ip 8a to anoikseis...Meta 8a pas C:/gameserver/config/server ...meta --->ExternalHostname edw bazeis thn IP tou no-ip ---->ExternalHostname edw bazeis thn IP apo to cmd-->iponfig Meta start.bat--->loginserver--->gameserver k ennoeitai prepei na exeis anoiksei ta ports apo to pc sou k na kleiseis to firewall k anti virus... Pisteuw na se helpara
  9. Look Out File o Admin tou mafia einai member tou forum k oti kikloforei t fixarei xD
  10. h3llriser@Hotmail.com
  11. auto file legetai client modding eisai s la8os section...uparxoun kapoia programmatakia p fixareis armors/weapons colours k tetoia
  12. dokimase na ksana peraseis k to data ama k pali dn douleuei
  13. prospa8e na ta baleis xwris na eisai mesa sto custom_npc genika dld balta...k dokimase..Dn eksigeitai
  14. Nice share..Keep Up..An k pisteuw kt idio uparxei dn 8umamai akribws...Alla nICE KEep up br0
  15. ti enalaktiki lusi gameguard mas les s bgazei autos einai o patcher gia to GG...LoL!
  16. einai pl logiko re file..Tecpa loipon akou 8a to anoikseis 8a breis to l2 8a to epile3eis k meta 8a pathseis patch it an 8umamai kala
  17. http://rapidshare.com/files/100051187/L2_Interlude_GG_Patch.rar.html To katebazeis to ftiaxneis k eisai ok ..Pisteyw milame gia interlude...
  18. Nice re paides sugxarhthria...Xilia Brav0 para pl kaloi douleia..Keep up k oi 2..ta kalutera sas euxomai...+1 karma By me dn exei ksana ginei idio share Polu wrai0
  19. Nice para polu wraio e3wterika..Keep Up..Thanx k pl kali douleia...keep up m8
  20. mipws dn exeis katebasei to java h dn exeis kanei connect me database?
  21. einai pl logiko agility=Active Empower=Active ..Soon Updated
  22. xrhsimeuei as poume an 8elei o allos na mn kourazetai na piasei me ton 2nd char tou to wild magic to opoio ston buffer einai lvl 3 nomizw...pataei //add_skill k to id toso aplo
  23. Sto Parakatw Link p 8a katebasete Einai ta perissotera id's apo skills ta opoia ta pairneis me lifestone Opws As pOume Wild Magic lvl 10 k ta sxetika..Dn einai kt duskolo apla ka8isa ta brika k ta egrapsa k ta kanw share mazi sas... http://rapidshare.com/files/126632211/Actives-Passives.rar.html Credits To Me And Twistaki Mazi Ta Brikame k tA GrApSaMe..Ty gia to xrono sas
  24. Nice Share..Xilia Brav00.se blepw Exeis allaksei rizika..Brav000 sou keep up m8 ..K xilia thanx p to kanes share mazi mass..+1 Gia thn douleia sou k to gmshop
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