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Everything posted by Kashej

  1. s ksana eipa dn ginete c3333!!!!OLa ta programs exoune kanei update opws k to java...Dn 8a breis tpt,....
  2. 1on.mporeis na ftiakseis san patchaki to l2.ini k na mpainoune oi alloi ston server sou..to file-edit 8a to breis edw:http://www.4shared.com/file/46533813/3db9cc7b/L2_FileEdit__Int-Kamael_.html....................... twra gia ta npc's prepei na mas peis to pack p exeis .ti einai ?kamael-interlude ?pianou einai?. An synanthseis kapio problem kane reply edw
  3. k sinexizei na s leei:Server TerminatEd?....
  4. Nice stefanako xilia euxaristw k apo tous 2 mas...DrDeath edw
  5. koita file pio pack eipame xrhsimopoieis dld pianou ektos kai an einai l2j Apo official site....Bsk otan paw sto diko m pc 8a s pw akribws pws mexri tote kane me add sto msn h3llriser@Hotmail.com gia na s pw apo oti 8umamai *liNe Dev TeAm*
  6. OXi Npc Buffer ksexases na grapseis dld ta dances-songs na kratane 1h opws ta kanonika pp buffs 17 min alla ola s mia 1h ti settings na kanoume???????...plz reply
  7. k mena to idio leei gt?...:(((((
  8. Nice share keep up,etC k gia arxh mia xara einai:P
  9. mpes http://4shared.com kaneis ena account k meta einai para para poly eUkOlO.
  10. ginete na to kaneis upload plz????.....plz?
  11. Nai tou THeMeNTaL exw mporeis na m breis npc buffer na kaneis upload me 4h buffs>?...
  12. des ekana edit gia interlude k l2J_Oneo...
  13. 8a i8ela re paidia na m kanei kapios share enan buffer m full buffs(buffs-songs-dances-cov)..Ena Npc BUffer dld ....Alla na douleuei plz...KApion na m ftiaksei enan buffer k na m pei parakalw link Na tn katebasw....[move]Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[/move] An exei ksanaginei idio topic xilia soz :( xD^^ Paaraaakaalwww kapios na me heelpppp Gia pack l2j_Oneo k gia interlude client
  14. ty filos elpizw na doulepsei
  15. Nice pack keep up file gamato...Sunexise etc
  16. k ta credits:P Soz dn eida mazi m tn bro s
  17. pisteyw file pws c3 packs dn polloi yparxoune pia k einai pl duskolo auto p zitas..dn pisteyw na breis kt...an 8es grapse sto search c3 packs k psaxne auto p 8es
  18. Pisteuw li8ike to problem ..//locked apo kapion
  19. file dn mas eipes pio pack xrhsimopoieis...k pws 8es ta npc's gia na sta ftiaksoume ama einai...mporeis na Kaneis search...pes mas px pws 8es thn buffer ti peripou 8es na xei to gmshop?....Mporeis epishs Na baleis npc's apo alla packs opws the mental-light magic-killer 007....Akoma Ta arxeia me ta npc exoune plirofories Mesa gia to pws na kaneis extract thn buffer as poume...An sunanthseis kapio problem kane me add sto msn H3llRiSER@Hotmail.com
  20. Na rwthsw,Yparxei periptwsh Na ginete 2 atoma (admins +dev) na xoume apo koinou thn idia database mesw internet...dld na xrhsimopoiw thn database mazi me to paidi p exei ton srvr apo to pc mou...Ektos an uparxei kapio programma peite m plz k ta 2
  21. Hello Guys...8a i8ela an mporeitai na m breite c3 (kala) Packs einai poly shmantiko k megali anagki ,kserw einai malakia twrA pia p exei bgei k hellbound alla einai megali anagki k to 8elw opios mporei as m help sas parakalwww.... [move]SaS PaRAkAlW As HelP KapiOs[/move]
  22. Prwton kane log out apo ton char sou meta pigaine db dwse access kleise l2 k meta mpes ,dokimase k pes m .... BAsika px tou pack tou themental k polla alla s exoun etoimo account me ID k pASs:D KAne reply edw k pes mas *H3llRiSER*
  23. sto pack tou themental exei wedding npc k master *H3llRiSER*
  24. Nai as poume mporeis k Ban Ip an exeis to katallhlo access alla k pali esy 8a gineis Makakas meta,gt mporei na s sbisei k apo db k na kanei k diko tou acc me new access k ola apo db,,,ara o xamenos ths pareas eisai esu!!:P
  25. Tou pack toy themental -to pack tou light MAgic -K to pack t k1ll3r uparxoune pros stigmhs ...TOu killer einai xwris db
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