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About keinisaul21

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  1. i answered you in myother post
  2. dude .. i know what im talking so in game is the same or in the last chance where i desactivate this tutorial to change class
  3. Any trick to change l2newbie tutorial when u get lñv 20-40-?? i changed in _255_tutorial.java but in game continue the same msg L2 ava bla bloa bla i changed the others but only cannot change the L2newbie tutorial for class change :S pls can anyone help me i have 3 days in the same thing xD
  4. Can anyone help me why if i changed _255_tutorial.java on Eclipse continue the newbie tutorial with l2ava tittle if i have this on File Second where are located the images in the tutorial windows i know is called servername.png allowed in gameserver/images but where i change to one maded by me
  5. up why my images appears in black
  6. Yes. i have this pack and i know what u say but look I HAVE ALL MY FILES WITH MY SERVER NAME BUT IN GAME ALL ARE OK EXCEPT CLASSCHANGE TUTORIAL all are changed but Tutorial for change class no the tutorial is located in _255_tutorial.java and i changed the description from L2Ava- to L2My server name and nothing
  7. as i said ive changed i cannot change just the class changer the _255_tutorial.java i changed in the eclipse but in game is the same text ... and now i lose all images :S
  8. Hi, I have changed all the tutorials but the change of class is still coming out and it is already edited by the eclipse file and nothing changes, now trying to get the image now it does not show me the images that the teleport for example before it came out I was going to take elven ruins and it showed me the image of elven ruins now the question is not where those images are lodged or where I could put them back or eliminate them completely. yand this i repeat i know where to change the info L2 AVA for L2 my server name in SpeciaTutorial and in _255_tutorial.java ive changed them but the only thing continue appears the same l2 ava is in classchange
  9. Excellent thank you very much !
  10. Hello men i did thats changes and in my eclipse appear the name of my server in the _255_tutorial.java but in the server appears the same sh1t L2AvA bla bla bla i changed the others but class change are the same
  11. Hello guys, i need help im trying to edit the URL saved in the Comunity board of my server pack i donwloaded one called l2ava i think is the same l2mythras i can edit all but i dont know where is the Url when u press thes buttoms
  12. Guys if i want to Edit the URL that are's in the comunity board buttom like Facebook Website Forum Where can i edit these URL please help
  13. Hello please i made changes in some tutorials htmls when i close game server to restart appears it and this
  14. Guys i have another question. where is the Archive Welcome to the Lineage 2 ava world ? i know how to open and edit but i dont catch the file
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