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Everything posted by *-MightyMick-*

  1. Hell bound island means nothing,we need balance,great number online and good activity.
  2. Sawadee hope you'll be protected and build something stable so we can play,guess i right?...It seems good,so its good chance to stay somewhere.
  3. well,photos look pretty but does gameplay too?..
  4. Benihiime tried this one?How it's community number is?
  5. I use it perfectly,but idk happens with the bp class,is this bad at all?.I asked help not smart people like you to tell their opinion.Thanks
  6. Look i did and i added exactly the "ticks" and the options that prnscreen says.But bp only uses mp pots,and doesn't heal anyone in 4 member pt.I have added correctly what i see in the prntscrns.But still only uses mp pots,maybe do i smth wrong?.I have checked wherever pics say,and made the option as i see them.
  7. One more Question plus,how to make my bp bot to auto-ress pt members if needed?.
  8. Can you really do such a question?
  9. No need to say that,everybody knew he'll fail since he always does.
  10. Thank you F4Ken,i'' try this settings,self heal i just put mana pots on it?
  11. 350 fake players,full of bugs like fail geodata.I tried it just to take the "ok" that this server is Stevia.Gl with your fake online buddy.
  12. The owners are same how has it nothing to do ? Don't ask me how i know it..I just do.
  13. it will fail once again,since that l2stevia changes names and reopene excatly with same idiot ideas.
  14. Agree on that,this way you'll have people fighting for them always
  15. Great,waiting for more to come from such a staff.
  16. So..Anywhere else to play? :). I lost some days from my life...Time to move on
  17. What i wrote was before that stuff happens.I left too.
  18. Hey buddies,Can anyone tell me how to usse bishop with adrenaline?I know the party setting but i want bp to heal party with major heals,and the player who has lower hp,even his self with his battle heals.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks
  19. well let's see how is it going to perform.
  20. Hope this is the server you posted,and not a stolen one to attract more ppl.
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