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Everything posted by AccessDenied

  1. awwwwww εισαι τοσο γλυκος οταν. Νταξει δεν ειναι αριστερα εδω μεσα θα ειχαμε γεμισει αλβανους αν και δεν ξερω ο Nevermore αν ειναι πακιστανος η αθηναιος. Nevermore τι εισαι? -.- ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑ
  2. το μονο που εχεις ειναι ενα ιστορικο chrome γεματο με "how to code java", "photoshop tutorials", "is Stacy Doll a boy? - yahoo answers", "xxdem" "teen girls", "ti kairo exei aurio?", "is maxcheaters good forum?", "Java tutorial", "katerina stikoudi".
  3. εχω τηλεφωνο και facebook του xdem οποιος θελει inbox
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/128969-killedbarakiel-setnobles-party/ Useless to make a new file since there is already file that control these.. just 1 check and the code bellow for(L2PcInstance p : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) if (!p.isNobless && p.getDistanceFromTarget(_barakielId) <= 2000) p.setNobless(true, true); p.updateplayerinfo();
  5. εε σοβαρα εισαι θεουλης... ζητησα ηδη απο τον maxtor να βγαλει την Stacy σε banned και εσενα σε Super admin 7777
  6. Diana aka Katherine Aka Stacy aka pornstar photos τι κανεις :D? πως εισαι γλυκο μου καλα? Εκανες το pedicure σου σημερα? αν ναι στειλε φωτο να δουμε
  7. I doubt even if you can code a line that send a static packet to a character.. crawl back to your fucking hole rabbit
  8. ελα νταξει εισαι θεουλης <3 ΣΕ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ ΕΛΑ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΟΥΜΕ ΣΧΕΣΗ και ορκιζομαι θα στειλω τον xdem να μαθει ιταλικα να σ λεει "la luna del cachatore"
  9. το HA HA HA HA HA HA H AA εχει 2 ΑΑ στο τελος μετα απο το H Α+Α = Χ (ξερουμε οτι 1+1 = 3 απο: 41 – 40 = 61 – 60 16 + 25 – 40 = 36 + 25 – 60 4² + 5² – 2 * 4 * 5 = 6² + 5² – 2 * 6 * 5 (4 – 5)² = (6 – 5)² 4 – 5 = 6 – 5 4 = 6 2 = 3 1 + 1 = 3 ) οποτε Α + Α = 3 Half life 3 confirmed.
  10. Roses are grey, Trees are grey, my house is grey... i am a dog.
  11. Some mod answer me why Stacy Doll (aka man who pretend is a girl) made a new account with name DIANA and automaticaly is GOLD member? Reason? And dont tell me that Diana is not Stacy (same photos, same style, same music, same porn stars photo, same everything & afcourse LEAQUE OF LEGENDS that only 10 ys would play) Unfair forum..
  12. ok i wait... even tho its kinda unfair but what i expect in a forum like this... that "higher rank people" no respect others ex le memer master.. anyways i wait.
  13. did i ever say i dont spam? i just said that i spam but the reason i dont respect you (staff) is because staff no respect me ;) you dont ban a guy who no spam and help the community just because he uploaded a gif :)
  14. USA? :D x0aax00 fail :D they have nothing "strong" just wannabes like russian :D
  15. its ok i can lick your sexy legs then :$
  16. awwwww so cute.. i would lick your sexy abs but im afraid u have only 1..
  17. my attitude is because my acc is banned for silly reason. what u expect me to respect when others no respect me? you should really care for people who really scam - spam instead of people like me who want make tutorials and help
  18. *fixed* take xdem and le memer master and jump off a cliff down to a river with aligators.
  19. Take xdem and jump off a cliff :DD
  20. I was sure u gonna say this... let me inform you that ur L2moderator locked a topic of mine without ask or anything and after 5 min same topic opened by elfo. What you say is really bullshit. you only notice spam nothing more.. Afcourse if i spam they will ban me but if le memer master spam its fun for everyone... fuck this.. PS. im sure there will be no action cause all Gold members and mods are friends ;) HF
  21. You just prove how stupid you're :D dont be mad kiddo <3 Please go back to your duty, delete others topics cause u dont like them hitler :D
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