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Everything posted by AccessDenied

  1. Step into your shower tub. Cut your vein with a knife. Lay down slowly. Wait until blood level reaches your nose. Hold your breath. Die. People like you spread cancer 8th grade... you only care for money nothing more.. ruin l2.. ruin it.
  2. i love how u pretend u are from USA yet u understand each greeklish word i write .. crawl back to your fucking cave :D also nobody care for your feelings. Please change again your profil photo into some random google female to impress members
  3. xD ela ntaxei o xdem einai boreiohpeirwtis sugnwmh.
  4. Poios einai Ellhnas? Oloi albanoi edw einai px xdem, le memer master, Stacy Doll κλπ
  5. He dont have any plan he is not even interesting in Lineage 2 anymore i dont even know why he joined... probably he was bored and press accepted cause he said he is done with l2
  6. Boorinio is good dev but no have time.. But wonrry everything will be fine :/ we are with you.. xdem is here too even if he is in hidden mode.
  7. This is a tricky rhetorical question SweetS ;) I let you with the doubts ;)
  8. Can i ask something? I started a topic and someone stopped it.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/199162-why-boorinio/ why? ...
  9. ama ixes 8a isoun admin <3
  10. bravetobe please go for president i voteeeeeeeeeee <3
  11. I disabled the configs... die <3
  12. Stacy is good man.. i mean girl* dont be mean -.- beside its his right or her right to be.. fuck it i got confuse..
  13. im currently at work... from 6:30 until 17:30 what productive i can do instead of spam how noob xdem is? F**** me.
  14. The configuration of adena giveaway equal to 0 so take 0 there you go u asked for it...
  15. its ok dont worry... //divorce
  16. i know LOL... i know le memer master :D dude -.- you ruined it pffff no fun anymore.
  17. Well report me, i dont expect anything more from Moderators and Gold members in maxcheaters :D the only thing you can do (Lock,ban,report), never help, never be serious, never support :DDD btw 10 yo are having more sex than you virgin :D
  18. ( ,,( ) =======> ~ ~ ~ ~ ( . Y . )
  19. Yeap mods like him banned my account back to 2013 when i was actualy helping people because i uploaded a gif refering to stacy Doll.. people scam, people insult but when its about our "FEMALES" we ban users with good reputation ;)
  20. Democracy hitler... democracy.. the fact that you enforce your personal opininion is not democracy hitler btw dont speak to me for "retard" :DD your nickname is Le memer master - you pretend you're female - you upload most silly photos every 2 days :P
  21. ΟΧΙ ΚΑΡΙΟΛΑΚΙΙΙΙΙΙΙ Εκατσες πανω μονη σου...
  22. People with power in this forum can control everything even in discussion session: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/199162-why-boorinio/ he just decided to remove it.. klain... americans
  23. Diana is my son... stop insult him. He hasnt decide if he want to stay male or switch to female thats why he make girl account with porn star photos
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