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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. I Think its sth like the augment bug. u know weapon , shield , weapon , shield , weapon ... Nothing More.. I Think That This Is What They Mean. Btw IF Exists StH Else Tell Us.
  2. Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "9710-9716" Maybe The .xml of The Armor / weapon / whatever has the id of 9710-9716 maybe has a problem on its xml. check it out. or maybe there is not an item with this id in db
  3. IG Name : Stefoulis15 GoGoGoGo Let's Burn This God Damn Servah! J/k ALL Login And Let's Have SOme Fun!
  4. Mate.. You Are THE BEST! 100000000000 Gratz for your work.. i hope it will go good.. nice try.. Also , I Think It's Time For You To Share Sth .. You Have a Long Time To Share :s We Missed Ya ! :p
  5. maybe u got sth wrong in ur multisell syntax.. upload ur multisell here. and i will try to fix it..
  6. lawl! koita ts re ta kaine ola.. na dw ti ston p0uts0 8a ktlvoun...
  7. krima tpt allo. Silipitiria Stous Goneis , stn kopela k sts filous tou.... Kalo tAksidi k pali! :'(
  8. ase dn borw na peksw. dn t ipostirizei i o8oni m ! ( einai koufo alla etsi einai ) dn vlepw ena button p 8a prpe na vlepw.. gamise t s lew ^_^
  9. Vale -1 stn eayto s.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ma3x thx file. einai wraio na vlepoume new buffers. thx g t share.
  10. s kanw ban gt variesai p dn pernaei i wra enw egw variemai POLY p dn pernaei wra k eimai unbanned ^_^
  11. ti Lifestone einai afti p prospa8eis na valeis? Ti lvl ennow
  12. naab i was the first member that joined.. before the server was beta i was on. heh im first! ^_^ Btw , Im Looking fw to the servah!
  13. Nai.. Egw Pali Sto MEGA Vlepw ekeini tn mlkia me ena kanali sto ANT1 Vlepw Vougiouklaki Sto STAR Dedective Monk Sto Alpha Password. Dn ts vlepw k toso ksesikomenous..
  14. Filaraki mou iparxei mia simantiki diafora.. egw dn 8a pirovolousa POTE An8rwpo..... -------------------------------------------- @k 8es na m peis twra , oti epeidi t katestrepse t magazi prp na tn skotosoume e? dn einai etsi file m... ---------------------------------------------- @episis apo oti akousa t palikari dn ekane tpt. opws postare mia pic o webmonster noritera 8ewreite ekeino t palikari anarxiko? pros 8eou dld.. ante..
  15. 1 leksi.. ΕΛΛΑΔΑ.- Eyxomai Silipitiria stous goneis tou paidiou , na nai kala opou k na ne t palikari.. BB File Mou. P.S: Oso gia esas p lete kala na pa8ei , g na sas evlepa esas ti 8a kanate....
  16. u may not have the patch then... or sth is errored in armorgrp / weapongrp..
  17. Oti Ta Paidia Tr , dn pezoun t poulaki ts! re web pros 8eou dld :P
  18. You have been bitten today; therefore you remain untroubled!
  19. Well ,This Subject Has Been Conversated Again On Devs-spot Forum Just Go To Your Config Files And Find Somewhere For Custom Tables. Just Enable Them And ALL They Will Work
  20. Well , Im In a Project Right Now The Project is IL L2J , x500 One Anyway , I Wanna Ask You. As Players , What Would You Like To See on a Server Like This. And Would Surprise Ya. I Want Answers. Thx in advance.
  21. You have been bitten by Bel3th and 3.37 kilograms flesh were ripped out of you. Become a werewolf too by registering here
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