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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. yes , we are talkin about the pvp one... But i dont use the strike's script.. i basically dont use any script.. i capture the packets myself and use them.. its easier and working 100% ( on l2 core pvp )
  2. Nop.. There's Not a Possible Way To Fix It By Just adding an icon. i've tried it. As i told you you need to add it to ur core.. About How To Open It, Compile FTW.
  3. as u said.. u think! it works. just join a clan with a castle.. nothin more :)
  4. Isws ap ta kalitera guide p exw dei se perigrafi tropou "peksimatos" :p Poly Kalo Guide.. Gratz.. @leontwo , ean aksizei karma i oxi ase na t kseroun aytoi p exoun dikaioma na valoun..
  5. Well , Iparxoun Kapoies atelies.. g paradeigma , kata tn diarkeia tn 1-40 lvl sinistw blunt logo tou stun attack.. sta 76 Lvl exeis afisei tin tallum. gt? i imperial Crusader einai tromaktika kaliteri gia Gladi... se S Grade Equipment Panta.. Ostoso g ta 80 lvl dn einai anagkaio na allakseis eksoplismo..k me ta normal s grade eisai mia xara.. w/e Stin 8esi tou Dynasty Ring , 8a Protimousa to Queen Ant.. Einai Kalitero Logo Crt Atk Ktlp episis stn 8esi tou Baylor Ring (Dn t xw ksanadei pote :o ) 8a Evaza Zaken's Logo Tou Vampiric Rage Effect.. Obelisk of Victory 15-25? dn einai ligo "poly"? dld s enan x45 server g paradeigma , ean 8a katseis apo ta 15 obelisk 8a s figei o popos g na aneveis mexri ta 25.. protimw Ruins of Despair / Agony. Ean Eisai k Full Buffed , Tote Pas Xwris 2i Skepsi. Episis , g lvl 61 K ta Dual Damascus einai kala. gt isws o srrv dn exei ta interlude weaps se shop.. tespa , ayta apo mena.. einai prosopiki m apopsi .. pistevw pws 8a borouses na veltiwseis t guide s.. parola afta einai arketa kalo Gratz
  6. Well , As Far as i know.. It Needs Core Support.. Try "Adding" It Into Your Core.
  7. episis , einai sxedon adinato na vreis ena na s tairiazei apolita.. dn ksereis ti Currency's Exei valei o allos g na agoraseis t items.. episis ta ID Diaferoun. esy borei na xeis g epic 9600-9612 k o allos na xei 9800-9812. oso g t stats oute logos.. dn vriskeis stats mz me shop..
  8. Well Done Mordaneus.. A Cool List With Compiled L2J-Archid Packs.. Cool.. Try Keepin' It Updated :)
  9. Well , Everything Goes Cool. Teh Server Rox etc... I Just need some help. when u can , answer me on MSN Cause it's important..
  10. Thank You All People! Really Thanks! I'm Loggin' In RIght Now To Exp. Teh Bitsop! Cya IG
  11. dn kserw file m.. isws na einai ali8eia dn lew. pistevw stn 8eo alla oxi st 8avmata. dn iparxoun 8avmata.. g mena toulaxiston.. ostoso , isws apla na einai mia MOufa.. na tn "modare" kapios eksipnakias g na poulisei i efimeriida / t kanali / i otidipote eixe.. Vevaia opws ipa k prin dn kserw.. MAKARI , kiriolektika makari na itan aggelos.. ayto simenei pws iparxei kapoios p akoma noiazete g mas...
  12. lawl! and u? u dont spam at all! ------- @Kidakos , www.l2absolute.com Gracia Part 2 With Customs + Interlude With Customs 2 Servers
  13. Thank You Pyro. Keep Creating Server's Like This One :) @Fakoykas , Webm0nst3r.. Stop Sayin' Bullsh1t And Level The Damn Warcryer :P
  14. also , if they dont have this Config that mafia said ,You can do sth else. 1st , Change The Power of Elixir of Mental Strength , And Their Reuse Time ofc.. ( Like L2 -Light Has.) 2nd , Take a Potion THat Already Exists On Your Pack F.E , Endeavor Potion and In It's Type Change it To MANAHEAL And To It's Power Add The Value That You Wanna Heal With 1 Mana Pot. You Can Also Change It's Appearance By Modding The Client..
  15. Try l2 elite x15 one its awesome , but it needs more ppl www.l2elite.us
  16. lawl sry.. i was xpin'g the dwarfi :S Btw, Hackz0r left us.. dunno why.. he does that shit some times..u know.. actin' like a kid.. W/e if he asks to join the clan , i will clan him.. i dont have a prob with him.. but the way he acts is stupid.. anyway , We need more members.. 11 so far.. GOGOGOOGGOGO!
  17. pl kalo.. exei k i8iko didagma.. fantastite dld poso periorismeno xrono exoun oi an8rwpoi pia.. oute na einai me ta paidia ts dn boroun.. istoria men ,alla me doseis pragmatikotitas.. P.S: K4rma , to sig me to Η χρησιμότητα του Internet Explorer είναι για να κατεβάσεις τον Firefox! G-A-M-I-S-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E!
  18. otan.. hmmmmm vgika proti fora hero ! ( lawl , dn eitan ayti.. parolo oti goustara trela ekeini tn epoxi :P .. kamarona san gyftiko skeparni me tn nanitsa m :P ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ well , i kaliteri mexri twra eitan otan prwtognwrisa tn nancy tn "aderfoula" m kt kapio tropo! aax . k eimastan emeis kala k aytoi kaliteroi p lene.. kt tetoio :P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twra mias k leme akirotites.. i kaliteri stigmi p pistevw oti 8a ginei st ameso mellon ( makari panagia m ) einai na "sinapsw" sxeseis me mia kopela p exw stuckarei ... an t kataferw.. 8a kanete na me deite.. ouOUouou..! j/k dn afinw t mxc reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  19. Fix The Title Plx.. [interlude L2J] Lineage ][ Endore Seems a Nice Server.. I Will Give a Try When I Can.
  20. u wish.. im teh best.. i xp the mf dwarfi and im 47 and u are jealous ^^
  21. nab.. i was xping my brother's character ... gf btw dont be sure about the most enchants..
  22. What Mate? :S Tell Us.. Cause we have to know..
  23. Oh Thanx Iobar.. we are waiting for ya! Btw , Pwnz0r Where are u ? i haven't seen ya a lot of time. why u are not IG? :s
  24. Well , I Don't Really Know About The Client Side.. We Have To Decide.. Icarus Weapons Are The Easiest Shit ... We Have To Check The Server Side First..
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