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Everything posted by pvpflu

  1. so why you still playing idiot after grand opening? i gived because it was beta test .
  2. More new players!
  3. Now Everything will work Properly. Please Join Us And See It :)
  4. Very good and clever guy. Trustly and good skills. +
  5. I am not like you , who spending 20 hours with computer. I have a lot of to do. I am traveling, working, spending awesome my time how I wanna, and when I was kid like you I had dream to have my own server . Now I am just to old for learning something cause it takes so much time which I dont have for learning. thats why I searching who can fix one or second things. And I now that after month or two or half year this server will be good, not the best. when you will be older , you will understand , so now bitch please...
  6. good boy. I appreciate it
  7. dont waste your time on my first server... choose other one server and leave this one.
  8. but somehow I guess possible to fix it.. I dont thiks so that only one way is to change vps company... Hm... I checked all scripts but didnt founded anything where I can change configs... shit...
  9. You think it is bad vps server, or too weak?
  10. And what you expecting of me? I started everything from zero and per two months I learned a little bit.. now my knowledges just small, but everybody learnings from mistakes.
  11. Your opinion about shuting down and do nothing is just ridiculous. Keep your mind in yours head and never share your opinion cause I dont care.
  12. If you tired why you commenting? Please understand others , some ppl creating good servers some no, but I dont have skills on that and I never stop learn something new for me. Go away and dont comment what I doned wrong or how bad my pack is cause not everybody are so "professional" like you! I just doing how I know and thats all.
  13. what you mean?
  14. tales
  15. Hello, does someone know where I can change to auto attack mobs? cause now need to hold F1 then attacking. Thanks
  16. I am not so good . It is first My server, But I will fix it ASAP.
  17. Try To press on main web page, download banner
  18. All Rates are the same
  19. Does its hard to hold F1 ? and warriors will attack .
  20. Server Is running 100proc, just left to make good looking webiste and now creating winning prizes
  21. Hello Fella's Grand Opening 13.02.16 Open Beta Test 01.02.16 Here For You I Present High Five Mid Lineage II server Now server is on other High Five pack with awesome updates and features, so all Players are Welcome to join and test it. From now You never be disapointed because You founded L2 Sativa server. I guarantee! If you are sick of servers that are boring and unstable with lot of bugs, destroyed by reckless Donations and want to experience again the true meaning of Lineage 2 in one stable and long term server, developed by professional team, fully dedicated to your satisfaction - you are in the right place. It's very important to us that you share your views and give us suggestions for your preferred type of game server so we can gather all the information and make the project as good as you love it. High Five Sativa Rates : XP: 42x SP: 42x Adena: 30x Items Drop: 30x Drop Spoil: 15x Quests Drop: 5x Raid Drop Items: 3x Quest Reward: 5x Quest Adena: 4x Party XP: 2x Party SP: 2x GrandBossDrop: 1x Enchant : Enchant Max Normal/Blessed: +16 Enchant Max Crystal: +20 Enchant Safe: +4 Simple Enchant Rates: 65% Bessed Enchant Rates: 80% Crystal Enchant Rates: 95% NPC : GM Shop. NPC Buffer. Augmenter/Skill Enchanter RaidBoss Manager Bug Reporter GateKeeper Global GateKeeper PK Protector And more... Features / Basic Information / Updates : * Buffs, Dances and Songs Duration 1 hours. * Buff Slots 24 (+4 Divine Inspiration). * Dance and Songs Slots 14. * Sieges and Territory Wars every Weekend. * 2 Weeks Olympiad period: every 1st and 15th of the month there will be new heroes. * Olympiads Max Enchant +6 (Items enchanted more then +6 have stats like +6). * Macro Skill Force /Enabled * GM Shop up to S84. * Starting Newbie packages. * New Ranked System 9 vs 9. * Advanced Olympiad detailed Statistics . * Auto Vote Reward System. * Exclusive Anti-Bot + .Report + Captcha system. * Special Vote Reward System. * Anti Scam - 21 lv * Drop list database Search Engine. * New* Academy Search and Recruit system. * New* Unique Augmentation System. * New *Nexus Event Engine (10 minutes events, winner/lose rewards) * Underground Coliseum. * Party-Matching System. * Sub-Class without quest, Max sub Level 85. * Auto Learn Skills. * Auto Loot. * Geodata * Offline Buffers. * Offline Shops. * New Auction System. * Raid boss Status and Res pawn Times. * Wedding System. * Champions System. * Vitality System. * Frequently Updates. * Xp/Sp/Adena/Drop elexirs (increasing by unique potions) * Duel system. * High Five skill (100%). * Sub classes without quest. * Nobless without quest. * Reworked a lot of skills formulas and calculations. * All high five quests finished and working. * AIO Command or NPC (all in one) * Premium accounts system. * Captcha anti bot-enchant system. * .getreward vote reward manager * Individual ingame vote reward manager. * Killing spree system. * And more :) Service 12/7. I am looking GM Clans official Invitation Every leader nowdays have to make hard decisions on where to play with his clan and why, we realise most of you have lost faith because of the increasing numbers of scam servers that open/close every month - but lets face it you want to provide the best gaming envoirment possible for your Clan and a garantee that you ain't losing your time playing here and we wipe the server after 1 month. No quite the oposite. Characters here are forever and even if the server population goes way down you have the option to transfer your character to upcoming new Server. Website : http://l2sativa.net Forum : http://L2sativa.net/forum Facebook : http://Facebook.com/L2sativa Email : http://L2sativa@gmail.com Skype : L2sativa * Please Enjoy The Game Dear Players !
  22. Hi, I am bad in web, so that why i am searching who can set up website. I will PAY . I have hosting and web files. just need yours knowledge .
  23. I have same problem. but in char_templates.xml everything is good. maybe need change java files?
  24. maybe some guard or some shit like that. or delete his modified host file before trying to log into the official servers. but how?
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