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Madheisen last won the day on December 15 2015

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    Wait, what? I'M LOST! Help!
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  1. That moment you think you will get 50€ but the donation gets cancelled 15 days days. It was a good couple days pvping hard though, thank you for the free gear guys, really appreciate it.
  2. Yes I did, edited.
  3. Good luck with your project.
  4. Cheers for the share mate, It's been years since if played around with L2J files, back then they were so outdated and everything was much harder to make a server, now that people developed it, it's better to try and make my own world to just remember Lineage 2 once in a while.
  5. I don't think this server is corrupted at all... Also they are the kind of people who have never ever had a donation in a server that they open, If you donate, trust me, they will give you donate coins and any item you want in game lol
  6. BR projects going strong this year for that money laundry with the same L2Off pack. Server de viadinho mesmo. Good luck with your project.
  7. 2 Days after joining my opinion has changed a bit, it's more of a negative review but I guess sometimes you need them to improve. 1. BOT plague. As mentioned by many, the bot situation is just unreal, today in the same area I was able to see people with actual good equips botting. 2. If you're English, play solo or forget about it. - The community is 80% Brazilian and they do not accept you in their parties or even try to cooperate with you. 3. Support provided. - I understand that due to the size of the community, it may be hard to help everyone, however the resolution time for small problems is just not there.
  8. Thank you for sharing your server, However put more effort into sharing it, we can see that it's literally a copy paste, If you don't put effort into sharing the information with the community you are seeking, you'll also never get the numbers you are expecting. I hope this helps, Best regards.
  9. Of course, I totally understand the frustration indeed, For that same reason I have decided to only play week days, Obviously, it's my choice to do it as I don't play competitive anymore, but seeing how you play 10h I understand how frustrating it is. Hopefully tomorrow we should have a few answers on this, Also they should tweak their antizerg system to act on 3rd party software as efficient.
  10. Please stop providing false information, GM's do not work on the weekend, how does a server open 2 days ago and you are already claiming that the GM team do not care about the server ? Please think about what you are saying and do your research before doing accusations like this, The team isn't being active on bots because it's the weekend, they need to rest as well.
  11. I'm currently playing here and can confirm that it's a good server if you can do a work around bots on the weekend, As this server is sponsored and managed by an actual company, I don't believe they're interested in working weekends to kick some bots. Nevertheless if this issue gets sorted, I can see some future in it, The community is PVP based, you have your solo farming spot if you spend 2 to 3 minutes looking, You may get a PK once in a while from people that just enjoy that but that's not as bad, I can see that the majority of the communities in this server are: Brazilian, Spanish, Lithuanian and Greek at least as majority, The item farm can be a challenge if you're keeping yourself on the solo basis, you will have to face a bit of boredom but if you PvP in between or try to join a party in the Group Farming Area, it should sort it for you. As any game, you'll have lots of people complaining "crying" about the server, but usually these people don't fully understand the game itself so their opinion isn't valid and shouldn't be even in here. I can see a future in this server, as it has content to be achieved with time, it has group cooperation to achieve certain goals, it has an "ok" community, the server files are official and the company sponsoring it has enough budget to keep it going for a good long time. So yeah, this is my review so far for this server. I hope it's useful for anyone who wishes to join.
  12. Dear community, I'll be selling one of my current support accounts as I don't need him anymore, It currently is lvl 49, already has songs learned until this point which includes, SERVER: GIRAN Song of Wind All party members' Speed +20 for 5 min. MP Consumption is additionally increased if the skill is used while song/ dance effect is in place. Song of Invocation All party members' chance to be hit by P. Critical Atk./ M. Critical Atk. - 5% for 5 min. MP Consumption is additionally increased if the skill is used while song/ dance effect is in place. Song of Warding All party members' M. Def. +30% for 5 min. MP Consumption is additionally increased if the skill is used while song/ dance effect is in place. Hunter's Song! All party members' P. Critical Rate +100% for 5 min. MP Consumption is additionally increased if the skill is used while song/ dance effect is in place. Current price is 350, negotiable. Send me a pm if interested.
  13. Name: Carlos Age: 25 Skype: madheisen Country: United Kingdom Function: xXxEmojiDestroyer420xXx
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