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About l2devianne

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  1. Website Full Features
  2. Website: www.l2devianne.com Forum: www.l2devianne.com/forum Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LineageIIDevianne/ Lineage 2 Devianne its a Private Server High Five Part 5 chronicle have 2 days online 100+ more online not need farm and have perfect balance Community Board with everything you need Rates x1000 GM Shop full, everything for adena 32+4 buff slots, 16 dances Enchants / Elements 100% Safe +6 / Max +10 Attribute max lvl 7 Farm Zone PvP Zones PvP Reward PvP Class Balance Heroes selected every 2 week Castle Siege every week Territory Wars every week Cancel and Steal Divinity return buffs Automatic use of HP MP CP potions Olympiad anti-feed protection Olympiad enchant limit +6 All cloaks have the same stats Hability System unlock by PvP Reward Subclasses = 3 , max level 85 … and much more!
  3. no beta man, and forum available to 05.02.16
  4. No te preocupes somos un staff serio y tenemos una de las mejores plataformas H5 que ay actualmente que nos brinda seguridad y tranquilidad para los players.
  5. Thanks for the good wishes, in the next days will be uploading more information.
  6. Website: http://l2devianne.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LineageIIDevianne/
  7. WEBSITE: http://l2devianne.com FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LineageIIDevianne L2Devianne is a mid-rate server, and there fore has some characteristics, such as Rates, NPCs, areas and Drops modified and differentiated. These information are available below. GRAND OPENING : 01.10.2015 20:00 GMT +2 MAIN FEATURES: RAID BOSS INFORMATION: - All EpicBoss is Pvp Zone. Clan System: - Max Members in Clan ( 30 in Main , and 2 Royals of 15 every one ) Total Members 60 - Max Clans on Alliance 1 ( Main clan + Alliance Clan ) - Clan Ranking and Recrutation on Comunity Board - New Clan War System Reward ( 1 Clan Box per kill ) Clan war have Antifeed System - Only clans with lvl 8 or higher and 30 active members they will have war - Castle Skill High ( get 7% Pvp bonus skill and physical Damage, and 7% Defense bonus) - Castle Skill Medium ( get 5% Pvp bonus skill and physical Damage, and 5% Defense bonus) - Castle Skill Low ( get 3% Pvp bonus skill and physical Damage, and 3% Defense bonus) Siege System: - Sieges and TW every 2 Week - Max Flags per Clan ( 3 ) - New Task System ( every Monday the leader lord of Castle get a reward ) - The castles Are divided in 3 Sections: 1- High Castles ( Task Reward 750 Clan Box ) Aden, Goddard and Rune ( All Members of Clan owner get skill High Clan ) 2- Medium Castles ( Task Reward 500 Clan Box ) Giran, Oren and Schuttgart ( All Members of Clan owner get skill Medium Clan ) 3- Low Castles ( Task Reward 250 Clan Box ) Dion, Gludio and Heine ( All Members of Clan owner get skill Low Clan ) Comunity Board: AUTOMATIC EVENTS: - Korean Style , Tvt , CTF and Treasure Hunter ARCHIVEMENTS SYSTEM: - Achievements System . Achievements are dynamic and you can view them at any time. When you complete an achievement, a question mark [?] will appear above the chat window. (same like when you login a new character and the guide question mark appears). Item reward occurs once you press the question mark. CHARACTER AND REPORT SYSTEM:
  8. Server Beta start tomorrow : 26.09.15 JOIN US
  9. ty :) , Update Post
  10. the difference is that those 20 servers are rollback , communities unreliable. Devianne have multiple implementations that will make the game more attractive and different
  11. smartguard is a option
  12. Of course we but In this moment we haven't yet decided , we will choose the best option.
  13. L2Devianne is a mid-rate server, and there fore has some characteristics, such as Rates, NPCs, areas and Drops modified and differentiated. These information are available below. Website: http://l2devianne.com/ Forum: http://l2devianne.com/forum/ Full Features: http://l2devianne.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1 GRAND OPENING : 01.10.2015 20:00 GMT +2 MAIN FEATURES: RAID BOSS INFORMATION: - All EpicBoss is Pvp Zone. Clan System: - Max Members in Clan ( 30 in Main , and 2 Royals of 15 every one ) Total Members 60 - Max Clans on Alliance 1 ( Main clan + Alliance Clan ) - Clan Ranking and Recrutation on Comunity Board - New Clan War System Reward ( 1 Clan Box per kill ) Clan war have Antifeed System - Only clans with lvl 8 or higher and 30 active members they will have war Siege System: - Sieges and TW every 2 Week - Max Flags per Clan ( 3 ) - New Task System ( every Monday the leader lord of Castle get a reward ) - The castles Are divided in 3 Sections: 1- High Castles ( Task Reward 750 Clan Box ) Aden, Goddard and Rune ( All Members of Clan owner get skill High Clan ) 2- Medium Castles ( Task Reward 500 Clan Box ) Giran, Oren and Schuttgart ( All Members of Clan owner get skill Medium Clan ) 3- Low Castles ( Task Reward 250 Clan Box ) Dion, Gludio and Heine ( All Members of Clan owner get skill Low Clan ) Comunity Board: AUTOMATIC EVENTS: - Korean Style , Tvt , CTF and Treasure Hunter ARCHIVEMENTS SYSTEM: - Achievements System . Achievements are dynamic and you can view them at any time. When you complete an achievement, a question mark [?] will appear above the chat window. (same like when you login a new character and the guide question mark appears). Item reward occurs once you press the question mark. CHARACTER AND REPORT SYSTEM:
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