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wateveromaigod last won the day on June 14 2018

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About wateveromaigod

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  1. Hey, welcome to the forums. Enjoy your stay.
  2. I have to agree with xxdem, you can't really compare l2 to retro classics..
  3. Is he really 30-40 years old? Seems like he is very little, at least in the head and personality. Deserves a punishment. Also advertising the fact that "Maxtor is my cousin idgaf" or something similar is unacceptable. What if he's Maxtors cousin? Does Maxtor really wanna stir shit up and make exceptions? I personally wouldn't. And even if I was Maxtor and that was my cousin, I would still find it unacceptable and punish him without exception no matter what. Stay on topic.
  4. Did gvb show you guys? Did it work?
  5. Also, good luck with your development :)
  6. I don't know about that, but I think it might work out.
  7. It's exactly as Solomun said. EU servers are just copy-pastes of files/features/etc. There is really nothing new/innovative on any private mid-rate server you visit. It's just the same thing over and over, it's almost as if it's insanity. People just copy files, change up only a few things, they run the server for couple of months and repeat expecting more people to join, more donations etc. But everytime - it doesn't happen. To be able to make a good and attractive server would be in my opinion, setting up a site first, buy clean files and start working from scratch, post on site/forums some updates, make some polls about how people would like the server to be - or inform them on how the server you visualize is going to be, start advertising prior to server start (months before even, if you can afford it) and start creating a base of players etc. Personally what I want to do is gather a startup of like 20-30k euros for everything, then do the above steps, hire the best possible DEVS (not 1 but 2 or even 3) so there is work flow, see what we have to work on and start going.. I wouldn't want to rush things like most people do, I would like to work for it so even if it fails - it pays out in satisfaction. But i'm pretty sure it wouldn't fail, because I made prior planning and started advertising early, was active in talking with the community etc. I would like to have some unique server, something original, but nothing to do with custom shit. Keep almost everything retail.
  8. The best ring would be the tateo.. by far. Baium does look like it's low quality + don't think it looks good in general, aq is like a unique-looking ring and rather peculiar, personally I wouldn't wear it at all but you know, people have different tastes. Also, even tho tateo looks really good, if someone were to wear it they would (in my opinion) look like some gypsy king or something, don't know but perhaps I would buy it. What I really like from your merch is the class shirts, and maybe the bracelets/necklaces/keychains! Good luck with your sales!
  9. Yeah but you said you can enchant up to 4 safely. Anyway it doesn't matter, i've already told you I support you - that doesn't mean that it will work out - but I already said, I wish you the best in this endeavor.
  10. I never stated that I thought that this is the gameplay lol. But then again, you believe that people will stay for 3 years for the whole lore/gameplay? I highly doubt that.. And you said about normal scrolls, well, what if I told you that with a blessed scroll I broke an A-grade weapon for +2?
  11. Alright. First of all i'd like to say that the whole idea and project is nice. It's good that you're doing what you "love" and are happy about doing it, I like and appreciate that so keep it up. Now, I was hesitant in joining for plenty of reasons the biggest one was those ugly custom armors/weapons (azurite looks kinda good but that's it). I will point out those reasons along with some other stuff I came across and I hope you finally see reason since others have said the same things (yes, i've read all 7 pages). 1. Custom armors/weapons are sh*t. They aren't even really custom, just different color scheme and opacity, as others have pointed out as well. I don't generally like the idea of custom armors/weapons but even if I decide to go with it I would greatly appreciate the fact they look nice. Yes you've done some work with the stats and stuff but I also know they aren't even real items, they are based upon dynasty recipes. Also those custom named jewels of yours are no-grade jewels with different name/image/stats and so on. Same goes with shields/weapons, obviously. Also with your special fish and pretty much everything that's "custom" in your project. Your custom items are also not even real items, they are based on random stuff but you just changed their properties/image/stats/status/effects and so on. Anyway the point I want to make it that your custom stuff isn't even that custom, it's just different colors,names etc. as mentioned above. 2. Pretty much every single "solid" or "static" object is "see-through", if you move the camera around you can freely move/see through them, even the custom ones you added on the neutral zone, which-for me at least- doesn't give you a +. Also I didn't notice any pathfinding whatsoever. Another - for me. 3. On your "custom-skills" descriptions there are many errors. For example on titans "Crush of Titan" on the cooldown it has something weird. Noticed same things and more mistakes (both grammatical and typos), on other classes as well. 4. Blessed scrolls break the items completely instead of resetting. 5. Guards are pretty much untouchable. Unless it's on purpose, as in, you're expecting huge amount of people to start/play on the server and can handle them. Can't really tell, but a maxed out titan can't do shit on frenzy/zealot, even on guts i'm dying like i'm a worm. And imagine i'm fully geared with everything, even skills are maxed (same with armor/jewels/weapon). Tried with healer as well - NOOOPE. 6. The dungeon aka School of Dark Arts has exactly 0 chests/treasures in it. I went around the whole thing 2-3 times, found no chest whatsoever. 7. Missing dialogues from sentries (both elf+d.elf), not gonna bother with altars anymore since i've tried talking to them plenty of times with different chars without anything happening. 8. What's bothering me even more is that there really aren't any people testing. I've been online for 7 hours and not a single announcement of a person logging in. I did log yday night for 30min, I only saw 1 person (which I talked to as well for a bit, he was checking out the classes at the time). 9. What's the point of sps/sorc/sph (aka water/fire/windbenders) not having battle heal? That's honestly unacceptable- at least for me. Don't expect that just because this is a "faction" war or whatever people are just gonna group up. Those 9 aren't even close to the issues i've come across, but i'm just too lazy to type them all, those are just the ones that came to my head as I was writing. I got a little tired so I stopped at 9, but yeah, there are more points/problems that exist in the server. Not sure if intentional or not but they are there. Now I have to be honest - as i've been throughout the whole post- I'm sorry, even though I like your mindset, the idea and everything, I highly doubt this will be a success unfortunately. So I have to agree with most of the people that answered your thread, it's going to fail as a project. The good thing on the other hand is that it will be a success for you - i'm sure you're going to get some things out of this and i'm guessing that the biggest one will be a self-satisfaction feeling alongside the rest of the stuff you gonna learn. Also, the fact you advertise a whole "new" lineage game/experience or whatever means you have put out the work and effort on bringing out new stuff. Which you didn't really do, unfortunately. Don't give up and just do what you want, but remember that it doesn't necessarily mean it will attract people! I might join again later in the evening to check for activity, even though I doubt it.. I also will join when you go Live just to be there and see the finished product of yours. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor of yours and I hope, even though doubt it, to be a huge hit. I might be one of the few in this thread that have posted some constructive feedback so don't hate, i'm just being honest. Have a nice day.
  12. It's kinda weird, satisfying and, well, nice to see achylek share something like this .. Well, to see him share anything actually :D
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