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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. With slim will i be able to play online with someone else?
  2. Please guys if you can explain why do you choose one option, do it. :)
  3. Why doesn't it work? And about this you just posted, it is overused man, don't use it because every forum uses this theme. Try to find a theme which is not overused so you can make your forum's appearance unique.
  4. Can i or i cannot? Fss...lol :P
  5. Το πράσινα σκουπίδια να μην είχες.. :-*
  6. Can i surf in internet from the ps3 slim?
  7. EPIC FAIL ένας προσπάθησε να βάλει εικόνα σαν signature και κοιτάξτε τι path έχει: ['img']http://C:/ProgramFiles/pic0001.jpg['/img'] You just failed dude!
  8. In the slim version you can't have linux and it is more expensive.
  9. Vote and tell us why. I want to buy a ps3 but i still haven't decided which i'll buy. I am thinking of ps3 ( the fat one :P ).
  10. Near quote option there should be another option called modify, press it and tada!
  11. Αυτό που λένε οι δήθεν μάγκες ( πίσω από ένα pc ) : ΠΟΥ ΜΕΝΕΙΣ ΡΕ, ΠΕΣ ΜΟΥ ΠΟΥ Η ΕΛΑ ΕΚΕΙ ΠΟΥ ΜΕΝΩ ΕΓΩ........ μου την σπάει πολύ.
  12. Να πλακώσω λίγη μερέντα που έχει μείνει;
  13. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=83029.0 for dbz fans.. BROLY SSJ3 BITCHES
  14. *BUMP* anyone else? I need help :S
  15. Sorry but for me making such a forum requires only common sense. Nothing special. But it might be usefull for newbies, anywayz thanks.
  16. The theme's name is sullen madness. You can enable karma system from admin panel.
  17. wanna be official spam topic? haha! anyway.. why do you think that we made the other spam topics? omg...
  18. Don't talk about no lifers. I have seen your name in many l2 servers. So don't call the others no lifers if you always play l2. Pff...
  19. Διάβασε τα ρουλς στο πρώτο ποστ. Μην αρχίσουμε αυτήν την συζήτηση τώρα..
  20. MiraDBZ


    Speak english Mr Gold Member
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