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OLSI last won the day on April 19 2017

OLSI had the most liked content!

About OLSI

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  1. I was wondering... why they dont have Friend & Family feature there?
  2. Trusted members only... pm me
  3. Atleast you'll have those Items for years,not for weeks. Like your crappy servers.
  4. L2Mafia 4 Ever,Shit server... wipe in 2 months you know the way buddy :D
  5. Waiting for it!
  6. The only true unique thing that Mafia has that you don't have is,he keep the server so much time online,even with 0 players in it at the very end... but it was still there,i had the same ID & Password & the same character for 7 years,isn't this amazing? All my time was not consumed or wasted for no reason,i still had everything i played for... And when he did a wipe it was just PVP Wipe,because TOP players had like 200-300k pvp
  7. I dont know i played on both servers,but Mafia was always better,when Faction was still alive,i didn't knew OvC... only after Mafia died,i started hearing about OvC... you say you'r better but they lasted for 7 years without a single wipe,you change season every 4-5months...
  8. L2Mafia UniQue KvN has opening,so i think it's a waste of time trying for another season. :D
  9. Είμαι σίγουρος χαχαχα
  10. Ναι διαφημίζεις ένα site (.tk) που σημαίνει δωρεάν και το πρώτο πράμα που βλέπεις είναι Lineage II Files from 50 EURO με Head Developer τον Aggelakos4real, OK ρε μαν οτι πεις... χαχα
  11. Ότι χειρότερο έχω δει σε προσπάθεια να βγάλει κάποιος λεφτά.... Χαχα
  12. He is not Turkish he is Bulgarian :D
  13. Pm me
  14. I need an auto-farm script for MOS/rebuff after 1hour and teleport again to mos is someone able to help me?
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