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About sungnao

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  1. SKYNET CLAN is moving there!
  2. Is there any custom interface working on classic.club like adding extra bars, or debuff timers, oly damage etc?
  3. Trusted and honest guy. Recomended as both, Seller and Powerlvler
  4. Our Setup: SK - PONY x3 - EE - BISH - WC - BD - SWS Average lvl: 78-79 International CP Prime time: 19:00 - 00:00 GMT +1 Tag: Spectre We LF BISH / BD / SWS if u got any char of your own, but our CP chars are free to be driven. Ts3 needed, decent english, mature ppl looking forward to get some fun in a competitive environment. CONTACT US: > Ingame: "Johny "irai > Skype: carlos_7184@hotmai.com
  5. Pm on forum or contact me on skype: carlos_7184@hotmail.com
  6. bought adena from him, trusted
  7. pm here in forum or add me in skype: carlos_7184@hotmail.com
  8. skype: carlos_7184@hotmail.com contact me there
  9. tell me skype pls, or add me: carlos_7184@hotmail.com
  10. As tittle says, wtb the next classes in Skelth: destro, bd, bish 50-60 lvl aprox PM me here on forum or on Skype: carlos_7184@hotmail.com
  11. Only COMMITED ppl who really want to play in a CP system and able to FOLLOW CP Commands. Only LF ppl who can play in PRIME TIME English speaking Teamspeak 3 Prime time: 18:00 - 01:00 GMT +1 For more info contact me in skype. Skype: carlos_7184@hotmail.com Setup and classes to be decided
  12. Admins pls clsoe this post, i'll make a new one coz we're moving to rpg. ty
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