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Everything posted by coopeR

  1. Some1 gonna mby download it and scan via virustotal? :P
  2. Going try it 2morrow ;p
  3. LoL xD I post it on some forum and guys said that he made that he stabbed his hand. ( he post even photo lol xD )
  4. Worst scam ever lol. epic fail.
  5. Server lack of ppl mostly. I get 52lvl and quit cuz there was nothing to do :<
  6. Tesed on l2ownage doesnt work for me ><
  7. PES its a lot better than FIFA, mostly that FIFA got too many scripts.. GK's are mostly overpowered there's no way to beat them for newbie player.
  8. Need some for L2Infintie :>
  9. Works for me :)
  10. AxelFoley, GuessWhoAmI
  11. Alone in the dark i just finished it up :<
  12. Alone in the dark :)
  13. as cuppa said there's no best archer. It depends on situation. HE gonna stay much more than PR or SR cuz of high CON attribute. PR got less atk.speed and CON so he gonna be stunned a lot but critcal hits gonna hurt badly. SR most gimped of archers nice self buffs, rapid fire gonna be awsome for some close gangs.
  14. Manor. DMP, M.ally, CL mostly.
  15. Necro its mostly debuffer, on mass pvp its no point to nukeing cuz already u gonna hit fullbuffed ppl for around ~250dmg. Better solution is to spam Gloom/abyss and other shits :)
  16. http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2_unicode.rar - Gracia, Part I unicode chat/bbs http://mfyyre.narod.ru/l2disablenc-ct2.rar - Gracia, Part I l2.exe without Themida http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2_nogg.rar - GameGuard killer. http://mfyyre.narod.ru/colors-ct2.rar - ~the color patch~ for CT2, Part I http://mfyyre.narod.ru/npcname-e-ct2.rar - displays (most) monster & npc level/agro - treasure chest/box as well source :http://mfyyre.narod.ru/
  17. How its work? I heard that have smth with L2Radar thats true?
  18. While dueling if some1 hit you it will stop duel automatically :P
  19. After disk format i've got problem. Its showing only black color how to fix that shit?
  20. So many morons so few bullets hf.
  21. Clickers doesnt works.
  22. hope gonna work : F
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