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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Checkare an uparxei ayto ston core sou..http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/180110-respawn-location-after-death/
  2. Exeis hard coded spawn se to village otan kapios pethenei na paei giran?
  3. Hey there i was playing for fun on eglobal and now i have left and my char have 65 e coins if someone want to get them pm me with your offer...
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/201882-vote-manager-npc/
  5. Server is closed..lock it someone..thanks for your support guys...have a nice day..!!!see you soon :D
  6. O sugkekrimenos dn kserei na kanei ta siege ana 2 evdomades :D
  7. I have paid him for his services was 5€ but he have no spammed and answer again to me...I dont care about the 5 but scam still scam he will do it again.. And here is his answer than 2 months and i think is the most failed answer for this...he have took the money and then give me this answer:http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/202057-interlude-mid-pack/
  8. Is time to report this retard Here is some GR proofs:http://m.imgur.com/a/5v6Lk Forum account: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/182248-personal-advertiser/ Let me know if moderators or Maxtor needs more proofs... Have a nice day..
  9. You have a ton of npcs there for examble....search better...you will find a way
  10. You want a woman but naked...:P try to addapt this code to your source..
  11. You are looking for pvp-pk title you want color or count?
  12. Emena me exei skype facebook :p olo kati problimata mou vgazei dn kserw pou ta vriskei alla kalo paidi ...+1 apo emena pantos etsi gia ton xrono k tin prospatheia gt i prospatheia metraei...
  13. oh sorry i have one class wrong balanced...kill me
  14. Ah i have played l2 before than you so..i know what is bot and dual box...so you tell me fail for what?all people.crying this days...i cant kill solo ant queen.baium orfen core zaken tezza antharas valakas...i cant take epics..fail server...hahah
  15. Healing rbs? You kill l2 with your solo gameplay and your bot..i have banned you for boting dual box wth healer so...dont speak about worst for me..
  17. PATCHES UPLOADED :http://la2howl.com/Download.html IN 35 Min Gates Will Open Stay Tunned...!!!
  18. Check more info. About Grand Opening... http://la2howl.com/Forum/index.php?topic=137.0
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