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Everything posted by vision1

  1. Haha Cool share i imagine players to say omg wtf a sword of miracles just come on me ....Gj im in tears
  2. Preety, Nice keep sharing dude!!
  3. Ty for share i like those RED textures :D
  4. Mhn malwnete re to paidi ekane mia prospa8eia ntaks ekane la8os .. 8a to dior8wsei 8a ma8ei opws kai oloi mas edw . .Oudeis asfaltos Pou leei kai H Antzela bb kai mhn arpazeste chill :D
  5. Kati Ekana La8os ..Alla telika to brika ... Wraio share trele sunixise thn kalh douleia cya . . .
  6. Mega Share ...Keep Da GoOD JoB ...
  7. Awesome Share DownLoaDing :)
  8. WorkinG For Me a great Share Keep Upppp :D
  9. I Love your shares Stef I dont have words to tell u Just GJ........ ;)
  10. I am Playing on server with max +50 and i love white colour.U just make me HaPPy Tyz For share :D
  11. Cool Share,but it will be perfect if u change the text of light armor the other 2 pwns ....GRATZ
  12. To eukolotero Guide Pou exw dei ...Wraio share kai me leptomeries gratz Sub
  13. I make a mistake But finally i did it ...Keep up Stefouli
  14. Stefouli u rock man keep up the good shares to make us happy ..Nice share anyways Gj ;D
  15. I was waiting for those shares m8 good job keep Up . peace
  16. Gratz m8 for your work , DowNlOaDinG .
  17. Oh,i will try it nice share m8 keep up ;)
  18. Nice share i like kamael interface and it will be cool if i have it on Interlude :D Keep up Vent !
  19. It's only for oneo pack ? >:(
  20. I will test it thnx for share m8..
  21. Kalh douleia terror suxexise etc
  22. Tallum at 61 and Imperial Crusader at 76 my opinion... :)
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