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NamelessHQ last won the day on October 13 2023

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  1. I suggest you first to try the projects and then to jump headwards down to the projects , even with thousands of recommendations a server can fail you because your looking for something and the pack is offering something elese
  2. Hello dear lineage 2 community ! Phaedra x3 wil have a fresh restart decided by server community! The new opening date is 14.02.2025 18:00utc+1. https://classic-interlude.com/
  3. Google that , use tag windows 10 lineage 2wont start .. and look for the answers
  4. then why the fuck you posted here ?:D
  5. You could send me a private message here also ,or let me know how I should fix it
  6. Hello I'm facing some problems with seven sings on my l2off pack when I start it , when the event starts spawns NPCs ..everything good , but when the seal validation restart or ends whole NPCs/monster are deleted from game and respawned ...ofc the NPC server it's like closing up...if some one could help me up with this problem or has and idea what could be I would appreciate it!
  7. you need a window 10 dll file to make to work l2 on your pc
  8. What windows do you use?
  9. I would suggest you to open a test server so ppl can test the files and source!
  10. And what are the benefits to run and l2off server on Linux?
  11. With this price ppl will chose java instead of l2off.. I know it's a lot of work but the price is pretty big
  12. Add command .menu https://prnt.sc/7N7EO68sKKwL for easy understanding and usage Drop/spoil Shift+click is not affecting in any way spoil sweep ! The window with spoil/drop list will open only when monster is alive. All chats with symbols(!,+), are free and can be used from lvl15, !chat is global , +chat is regional ! Party lvl gab 19 or 20 how you say was introduced in kamael chronicle and it was 20 lvl gap , from c1 to c4 was no lvl gap for partys , after c5-6 they introduced 15 lvl gap but at lvl 15 you wont take no exp its 0.0 and this way i saied 14 lvls becouse at 14 lvl gap you recive experience ,same as skills to keep them the skills u can go 8 lvl and 99% exp down and have the skills ,once you reach the 9 lvl gap then the skills will be removed! Clan items was just a quick add on for ppl to be able to test everything ,on live they are not any more on donation,even so the clan items quest was also by vote! Ps:sorry for my bad english!
  13. the owner of the unsimple did also not payed hes developers for long time .....
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