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Everything posted by and1enes

  1. i think i will be running on c5 servers?
  2. You can used this program for Systematicly spaming on shout or u can use this as a simple bot. http://rapidshare.com/files/57411858/autoKomp.rar Now i give you a few Script example: • Drinking Healing Potions (ofcourse if we have a potion under buttom F5) and set up "powtarzaj" that mean in eanglish repeat every 15000ms (15s) and we click "powtarzaj" repeat (Sory but program is in polish language) •Spam in Giran and we set up every 45000 ms (45second), and we click "powtarzaj" repeat •Auto follow, that interesting trick. Now we must write macro, which look that. /target name_character and we set up this macro eg. under F3 set up repeat every 3000 (3second) Mayby this program help someone. Simple program for spamming when u sleep or for more complie scripts:) Official Website www.autokomp.pl Edit: If moderator could move this topic to another Bot secitons. This is my mistake and i dont want writing 2 times. Thanks and sory.
  3. i'm not persuade of this method of enchanting. Mayby only works that on Refused server
  4. l2 brute willl be working on Cosmos Destiny c5 serwer ?
  5. In my opinion thats not waste a time, im playing on c5 server and that method working
  6. nice trick. Champion mobs only are on l2j ?
  7. excellent guide, but where we can find c4 server:)
  8. you use right alt and enter? Download patch for server which u want play and there should be that fix (a guess so)
  9. in file host only you write local adress and ip server which you play
  10. see here the same post :) almost http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17336.0
  11. try 1.94 or 1.92 version. Old but always working
  12. Yeah its working, now im going pking someone on DN :D
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