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  1. Epilogue 12x Opening date : most likely October Lots of features that enhance the gameplay. http://www.playinera.com/ Or visit the preview on MaxCheaters https://maxcheaters.com/topic/223000-l2j-playinera-resurgence/
  2. People care about the chronicle , they just don't care about this server or any other server that presents itself in this way. You can't advertise the server for such a short period of time and hope people will pour in at the start , you got to be a madman to think this will work.
  3. Th effort put into advertising and developing this server is close to 0 ,further ruining the reputation of this chronicle. The idea wasn't bad , but the execution leaves much to be desired. As a side note, when you know your server is that bad , its best to be humble about it and not say things like " we expect 400 online".
  4. If a server truly deserves the title of unique/innovative then a moderator can change the color of the server name from the light green to orange(or any other color), if he can.This way all servers are in the same section but the unique ones will be highlighted.
  5. You actually can :poker face: , not so much on forums tho...
  6. You crippled your chances at a bigger community when you didn't advertise the server at the proper time, coming here after a month is not going to work miracles , but i admire the fact that you don't request donations and the fact that you went with this chronicle.
  7. Originality is in most cases a good thing , but he plans to open a h5 with the kamael class disabled which means he immediately eliminates a portion of the player base. + its hard to have any control over balance in a substack server
  8. I am not sure Geralt of Rivia approves with you opening this server. You bring shame to both lineage 2 and the witcher !
  9. A good point ,i can relate to this :'(
  10. Saying disgraceful things without presenting any proof to back them up ,is, and let me quote you ,,BULLSHIT''.The fact is, you don't know if the population is spread evenly throughout the year or not, I don't know either , but at least I have this poll going on ,and after a long period of time it will generate a decent answer, hopefully .I would be fucking happy to be proven wrong , and see that in the end the population is faithful to the game regardless the time of year it is played. Then you suggested summer may be the season to go, again, without generating any proof whatsoever.I am sorry if i am mistaken on this, but i guess your argument might have sounded something like this: [you know ,little kids have vacation in summer and they can sit all day and play].Well again i am sorry but i don't think little kids are the target audience a good server should acquire, and also i am fairly positive that the lineage base is mostly composed of old die-hard players.The counter argument is that people will not invest time in the summer-time because there are far better things to do that sitting around all day. The fact is ,everything we say at this point its just speculation. You haven't said anything productive , smart or even at least good on this topic because you didn't want to, or even more likely, because you can't. I think you are an uneducated , mean, little greek kid,your vocabulary reflects that, that fact that you turned this( i might add , a very good question) into a flame section , certainly reflects that.Feel free to comment everything you want next , but i am not going to respond to you anymore, period.
  11. I am definitely not opening any server, i am having a hard time finding a populated good server and i thought maybe i am searching a server in the wrong time of the year.Your response is offensive and misplaced ,but there was no way for you to know the intent of my question ,so in the end its no problem.
  12. As a lineage player, when do you have the most time/prefer a server to open?Multiple choise
  13. By any chance , can you tell us at what rates are you thinking for this server?An approximation works just as well. +1 for the chronicle btw
  14. Half a year with no epilogue and now 2 of them are in development.The other one seems much better but also opens later, i guess we have this one until then.
  15. So glad this server failed, Charlie is one of the most corrupted owners i have seen ,going so far as destroying other servers and insulting other owners. Its also funny that people said they have "1500 online,server is still growing strong" and 2 weeks later server has 0 players :)), i guess fake accounts and advertising or even worse... fake people.
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