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Everything posted by Sweetz

  1. Could somebody give me any hints on how to make backstab land directly into your opponents HP rather than CP first,, what are the modifications that should be done serverside ? Ty in advance
  2. nvm ..delete it..problem solved
  3. Well the problem is this : i tried making some custom mobs editing all their features like hp /mp /level/ attack and everything...i also wanted to do the same things for raidbosses but it seems that they get their new attributes but keep the low level ..how can i change that..i want them to have a high level and not have a blue name.. Ty in advance
  4. RGB Values can be found in Paint also ..just a suggestion so u don't complicate things :P
  5. You welcome , i'm still trying to make the dreadbane glow look cool ,has anyone done this and can share the line from dreadbane already modified ? :)
  6. 111 is the version for C4 env.
  7. I found out in the end how u can make monster weapons glow like normal weapons..the file u need to edit is Weapongrp in your system folder That file contains data about all the weapons ingame...jump to the weapon u want to edit and you will see a long line something like this : [move]0 7575 1 1 15 2 0 LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp icon.weapon_draconic_bow_i00 95 1650 47 1 0 14 5 1 LineageWeapons.draconic_bow_m00_wp 1 LineageWeaponsTex.draconic_bow_t00_wp 4 ItemSound.bow_small_2 ItemSound.bow_small_3 ItemSound.bow_small_6 ItemSound.bow_big_2 ItemSound.itemdrop_bow ItemSound.itemequip_bow 5 581 132 6 5 12 -3 0 0 0 293 11 1 1 1000 1 -1 0 LineageEffect.c_u008 0.00000000 -3.00000000 0.00000000 1.20000005 1.20000005 LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.60000002 1.29999995 1.29999995 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000[/move] ...this line is for Draconic Bow Copy "LineageEffect.c_u008" from the line and insert it to the row of Halisha bow in the same place as the it is in the row from draconic...and also u can edit the parameters as u like and test it..remember to backup before editing even tho it's all client side Now i am trying to make dreadbane glow at both of its ends..if anyone does that please share:)
  8. Could some1 please post some links for those server files that are needed to setup the server,, i cannot find them anywhere . ty in advance
  9. Just wanna see what u made here
  10. Links don't work for me..anyone else tried this yet ?
  11. yeah i know its client side...but can anyone share a guide and tell us what to modify in the weapongrp file..i know thats the place where it has to be modified ..i just cant figure out what im supposed to change..any help appreciated thx
  12. IMO kamael race ruined even more the game balance of lineage 2....new lands weapons are ok..but everyone will play the new race and it's gonna get monotonous
  13. Yes could anyone please find a way to make the whole weapon glow..i have the same problem and i would like weapons form mobs to have full glows like all weapons do not just in the middle from where u hold the weapon
  14. The link doesn't work for me :(
  15. Old or not it's still helpful for most ppl that want to start an L2off server :)
  16. tomasaz is right In L2OFF servers highest level of gm is builder 1 not 200 :P
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