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sebach1 last won the day on May 31 2020

sebach1 had the most liked content!

About sebach1

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  1. Hallo!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baium x2 (140 euros x1)!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Valakas (180 euros)!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Antharas (160 euros)!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ook is er een Draconic Bow +16 (400 euro)!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PayPal (of hand in hand Amsterdam)!!!
  2. hi Ragnar seriously? Then how did he sell baium +6 and antharas to me? send plzzzz proof
  3. Hello MC :) Selling L2Reborn x1 Great Sword >> Tallum Heavy Set Draco set (unsealed) Draco Bow AQ SE 72 lvl (naked) [~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] ALSO Prophet 79 lvl with 3 class and Sub Hawkye (PP Naked 250 eu or equip 320 eu) Without equip Or DC(R) set+ Mysterious Sword(Acumen)+3 LS=Solar Flair 7lvl Sub-class Hawkye 76 = PL set+C jewerly, MJ(L) set sealed+Carnage Bow Phoenix Set jewerly
  4. you are trying to bring back the titanic from the bottom of the ocean. 1)full p2w model 2)absolute total lack of respect/interest from game developers to what community wants/needs 3)prehistoric graphic engine 4)no real new content since ages l2 is dead so much time ago you even forgot it.
  5. best server it
  6. Hello bro @zemaitis many clans join?
  7. Hello use https://adrix.pro
  8. sure bmw :)
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