[move]# Server Staff #[/move]
Admin : Sakretsos
DEV: Static
HGM: MrAderson
GM: Justice,Azerial
[move]# -------------------#
# Server Rates #
# -------------------#[/move]
RateXp x9000.
RateSp x9000
RatePartyXp x9000.
RatePartySp x9000.
RateDropAdena x8000.
RateDropItems x1
RateDropSpoil x1
RateDropManor x1
[move]# ------------------------- #
# Enchantment System #
# ------------------------- #[/move]
EnchantChanceWeapon 85%
EnchantChanceArmor 85%
EnchantChanceJewelry 85%
EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal 90%
EnchantChanceArmorCrystal 90%
EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal 90%
EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed 100%
EnchantChanceArmorBlessed 100%
EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed 100%
[move]# Enchant limit #[/move]
EnchantMaxWeapon +35
EnchantMaxArmor +35
EnchantMaxJewelry +35
[move]# Safe till #[/move]
EnchantSafeMax +10
EnchantSafeMaxFull +11
# # Custom Settings # #
Npc Announcer
Npc Enchanter
Gm Shop
Costum Shop
Craft Manager
Jail Manager
Npc Buffer (With All Buffs)
Npc Change Lvl (Under Developing)
Npc Protector
Raid Event
Champions Mobs
Wedding System
PvP/Pk Manager (Under Developing)
Costum Shop
Kamael Weapons
Kamael Armors
Epic Armors
Epic Weapons
Kamael aceesories
Jedi Weapons
And Others Costums Weapons
New Server pack will unleashed for l2tympaki usage at 17/12/2007
Containing: iNFiNiTY*SkillS Event System
Good VS Evil Event System
Custom Weapons (Interlude - Chaotic throne)
The new amazing tribe Kamael
Many many more Rare Items - Weapons - Armors - Monsters - Mobs
Chaotic Throne Places - Farming Areas.
Developer Static
Full Patch :http://rapidshare.com/files/74426851/Full_Patch_L2Tympaki_Server.rar