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Everything posted by Th3oneGandalF

  1. I'm having an error during the compile . C:\users\klp\stat.java:[31,51] cannot find symbol symbol : class pvp location : Class com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.stat :P Any Help ?? :)
  2. L2Osiris the Server rly RockS ;D - C6 OFF - x45 - no lag - no bugs - growing community ( 350++ ) Join now :P
  3. Nice one vago . Thnx 4 the super share :P
  4. Nice Collection .. Very Good Job . Gratz :P
  5. To System gia na boreis na to editareis . ( na alakseis l2.ini klp ) prpei na einai patched ... Mhpws 9eleis patched ?? :P
  6. Wonderfull dagger K4rma :) you have talent boy ;D Keep up :P
  7. douleuoun akoma merika packets tou l2phx se arketous l2j servers :P
  8. Nai.. Afou vazeis sto l2ini localhost ( tote prpei kai sto internal / external ip , na valeis :)
  9. Show us with an ss the error in GS :)
  10. Superb ;D Joining now :P .. I'm sure it worths !! :)
  11. Thnx 4 the uber exploit :) It Works .., Thnx m8:P
  12. Lpn, ;D 8a pas na anoikseis ena song,deksi click,anoigma me,epilogi proepilegmenou programmatos,8a dialekseis wmp,k 8a kaneis tick ekei p leei,anoigma autou tou eidous arxeia pada me ..etc :P
  13. Indeed , they are not officially out yet :) Also Wrong Section , a Mod move it :)
  14. Nice Guide .. :) Thnx 4 sharing it :P
  15. o L2 Osiris einai new server, gi afto dn exei poli ksilo .. ( akoma :P ) Ka8e mera mazeuei olo k perissoterous players :) .
  16. Arcana lord / Elemental Summoner / Duelist Anyway eksartatai k apo ton server ;) ( dn ennow chronicle :P )
  17. Afou Evales sto l2ini : , evales kai sto internal / external ip to idio ??
  18. About Operating System , you must know that L2J Server's are running Great On Linux and also windows server 2008 x64 and about 2mbps upload is good.. but better rent a pc in a good Datacenter like ngz :)
  19. I Also Voted for x100 . But i think that you should change the enchant rates, you could make them smt like 1/3 success... 33,3333333% :P .
  20. oh... I Did not knew that too..:P ( Probably cuz i have played Mafia on X-box :D ) That's very nice ..:)
  21. i think that you change it from the //ctf settings
  22. Pes mas ti pack xrisimopoieis . :) Check ta configs sou, ean boreis na to enable apo ekei .. allios ...//tvt & Ftiakse ta settings :P
  23. Boreis na dokimaseis tn Elite Einai x45 .C4 OFF. Dn exei lag / Bugs . Ala exei donators :P
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