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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Thanks man! Really nice share! Keep up work!
  2. Hello! Are you searching for something specific and nothing more or less? Well the best site for you is: http://www.sputtr.com/ You can see many seach machines and you can find everything you want easily!
  3. To Programma mporeite na to deite sto parakatw site: http://www.vendetaradio.com/schedule.htm Episis an endiafereste na diafimisteite i na kanete ekpompi epikoinwniste mazi mas sta email: vendetaradio@hotmail.com vendetaradio@yahoo.gr
  4. Yeah...I am a Computer - Lover too! 10 hours and more per day!! I really like it but I know that one day I will be fat and ugly...Hehe..I am just joking..I am playing football so I have something to do on my free time! ;)
  5. There are some SQLs that new pack can't restore from the old! I think you have to run the new pack without old DB... :(
  6. OMG! Well sorry about it is my fault! I didn't have registered before and I didn't see all these sections and threads!
  7. Stefoulis as you can see it is not good to hide topics like this! Please edit your first post cause it is really annoying and you will have spam! Let's see your job.. Edit: Nothing special! Anyway good work and keep sharing! ;)
  8. First of all! YOu have to lock server news and updates section and no one can post there unless he is an admin or a moderator! Also in this section you can put some more threads! Like "How tou Connect"...or how to contact you! Hm..I think that you can make more categories like Bug/Reports and Suggestion so there people can talk with you!...
  9. It looks cool! But I thnk that un forum you don't have so many section...You need more ;)
  10. Nice work Stefoulis! It is really cool! Keep up sharing! ;)
  11. Yeah man! You have not to worry! He just logged in L2! ;) Relax!
  12. La2Crazy, x4/x7 http://la2crazy.com
  13. Well, some of these skills are exist on Interlude Client! I had a server called L2Hell with the same skills, but I had changed their names...yeah they are cool!
  14. Katevase mia alli version tou L2FileEdit kai dokimase ksana...Auto to error to exw sunantisei arketes fores kai molis allaza version ola itan ok ;)
  15. Thanks man! I think that it is better now! Keep sharing! ;)
  16. Παντως οσον αφορα το προγραμμα των εκπομπων υποθετω πως αυριο θα ειναι ετοιμο και αμεσως θα το βαλω στο site και σε αυτο εδω το topic ;) ;)
  17. Nice share man! Thanks! But can you put some infos about these hacks? I mean what they do?
  18. First of all, welcome to MXC community and have a nice stay! ;) Well, you choose a very good pack, which is made by Mordaneus...If you want to start it you have to configure all options...Firstly open the ports of your router/modem, then create a dynamic IP or if you have static IP use this one...Tell me your results...
  19. Last Updates are really perfect! Keep on sharing man!
  20. "Warez" refers primarily to copyrighted works traded in violation of copyright law. The term generally refers to illegal releases by organized groups, as opposed to peer-to-peer file sharing between friends or large groups of people with similar interest using a darknet. It usually does not refer to commercial for-profit software counterfeiting. This term was initially coined by members of the various computer underground circles, but has since become commonplace among Internet users and the mass media. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warez Try to see the difference between Warez and L2Exploits Programs...
  21. OK Man..Sorry dn to iksera...Edited my post...
  22. Try to copy and paste the files of epic armors again...I guess that you made a restore of your DB...I can't think of something else...
  23. Loipon kalutera na kaneis panta ena search prwta prin postareis... Anyway, oriste to link pou thes: http://rapidshare.com/files/104593478/All_In_One_Custom_.rar_File.rar.html Exei Epics, Dynasty alla kai polla alla customs! Credits to-> stefoulis15
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