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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Katarxas to provlima einai oti mallon esu exeis l2joneo pack kai theleis na peraseis tin buffer se l2jfree pack..i to antistrofo...Par'ola auta mporeis na kaneis ta eksis: 1) Na pareis alli buffer sumvati me to diko sou pack 2) Na peraseis ta SQL stin DB sou xeirokinita... @OFF TOPIC: Prosexe pou postareis eisai se lathos section
  2. Dark your server is full of bugs...All exploits are working...I think you have to learn some more things and then you can open your own server and test yourself...
  3. Nai kai ta 3 SQL tha valeis...Genika oti SQL arxeio to pername stin DB etsi...
  4. Have you edited the loginserver.config?....You have to make the option: AcceptNewGameserver = True...
  5. Open __init__ (at: server\gameserver\data\jscript) and past these: __all__ = [ 'quests', 'custom', 'teleports', 'village_master', 'ai' ] import quests import custom import teleports import village_master import ai
  6. You have greek windows so the option will be Άνοιγμα Με... Omg...
  7. Kathikon mou ... xexe ... Xairomai pou sas aresei o VendetaRadio! Euxomai na sinexisoume etsi kai oli ti xronia pou mas erxetai me polu mousiki! :D
  8. Loipon pare auto: http://rapidshare.com/files/148615356/village_master.rar.html Kane to extract kai kane to opws einai c/p sto: server/gameserver/data/jscript
  9. Ola auta p les dn fanerwnoun to pack sou...Psakse sto forum na vreis plirofories gia ta arxeia pou xreiazetai kapios gia na stisei ena server kai meta proxwras se NPC... ;) G.L
  10. Ti ennoeis dn kanei clans?? Eksigise mas ligo...Deikse kapoia screen...
  11. Thanks file ;) .... Elpizw apla na s euxaristoume me tin mousikoula kai ton xavale mas kathimerina ;)
  12. Poios allos paizei mono Rock kai Metal ston VendetaRadio!? xaxa... :D :D
  13. Nai exei plaka...Xexe..To katexei to athlima omws ^^
  14. Ti ennoeis?.... vendetaradio@hotmail.com auto einai to e-mail
  15. As I can see you are new in MaxCheaters! Welcome! Please read the rules before posting cause now you are against the Forum's Rule...Leeching, Spamming, Bumping is not allowed!
  16. Thanks :)...Ontws XI XI ΑΡ XI XI einai to nickname mou...an prosekseis kai to sing m tha to katalavaines pio nwris :D
  17. 100% wrong...Min parapliroforoume ton kosmo...Dn apoktas statheri IP apo to no-ip.com para mono Dynamic Ip...Exei terastia diafora...
  18. Thanks :) ... Elpizw na s aresei kai na peis se kana filo gia mas ;)
  19. Topic Locked Dn uparxei logos na asxoloumaste me apotuximenous
  20. Sponta?? :O :O...haha kidding...mipws theleis dld na kaneis ekpompi se auto to eidos?...ta leme apo msn auta :P pantws thanks gia tin sumvouli
  21. Thanks bro! Na sai kala :)...Oti mporoume kanoume :)
  22. Aek Eimai.... Episis akoma einai nwris gia sumperasmata....iremiste ^^
  23. ax0ax0xa0ax0 ti allo tha akousoume!! omg...
  24. Eksartatai to server...Uparxoun server pou pianei kai dn timwreisai ektos an se katalavoun kai uparxei server pou se kanei auto ban an xrisimopoiiseis kati...
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