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Everything posted by aneos

  1. Well, in my opinion: You said you only need INT, but then you said you'd spam Holy Shock and Flash of Light. When you've got 35k (or more) MP, and you just spam Flash of Light, which costs 300MP, then you'll probably have about 15k MP left when the battle finishes. Also, Flash of Light heals for (approx) 4-6k non-crit. And you can do (approx) 1 FoL every second. On fights like Festergut, where there's heavy tank damage, you have to use Holy Lights, since the boss attacks the tank for 25k, 2 times a second. (Maybe not THAT much, but it hits really hard) But then, if you use Flashes of Light on the raid, and beacon the tank(s), then the Priest's / Druid's / Shaman's AoE heals will go wasted, and they'll have to heal the tank. So, in fights where there's heavy tank damage, the paladin should focus on the tanks, and use Holy Lights. (MY opinion) When there's heavy AoE damage, the paladin should focus on the tanks once more, because his raid heals are not efficient. BUT, he can be the only tank healer, so that the others can focus on the raid. This still means that Holy Lights are better than Flashes of Light. And something last. On my pala, up until ICC came out, I used pure Haste/Crit items, and socketed ONLY +20 INT. Then, a friend suggested that I removed some crit, and got some MP5. I honestly believe that MP5 > Crit. And I now prefer Mp5 to Crit, or even Haste sometimes, when I decide whether to roll or not on an item. Made things a lot easier.
  2. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/ These are the Official patch notes.
  3. Updated for 3.3! Check 1st post for more details.
  4. Hm... That's a very old post I have to admit :P Anyway the Addons used there are: SpartanUI (that's the most important one) PitBull (Raid Frames) Recount Omen Ora2 ForteXorcist TitanPanel Unfortunately this UI is now deleted, and I can't upload it anywhere. That's my new UI if anyone's interested.
  5. Well, there are at least 8 heroics. So you have (approximately) 1/8 chance to join the one you want. With 15mins waiting time for each. I don't suggest you can actually "Farm" the same heroic, but the fact that you can join the same one more than once a day is true. Though, if you queue up as a healer for the random, and a tank (a friend of yours maybe) queues up for Pit of Saron, then you'll probably get pit of saron as well, and be in the same group with him.
  6. Actually, if you go from the back side of dalaran, there is a little way you can follow, that doesn't dismount you. So as a horde, you can enter the area without the guards teleporting you out. I think that was fixed with 3.3 though.
  7. Actually you don't need any quest helpers. I'd still use Zygor Guides, because you can just /faceroll and follow the little arrow. But still, with a recent patch, Q helper was integrated on the map, so when you get a quest, you can just look at your map, and it automatically tells you where to go.
  8. Onyxia has been released. It's the same as lvl 60, only a LOT easier.......
  9. Beware! My UI is coming! xD (note the 6k dps on the low left corner)
  10. Ummm, don't you think this topic should be closed? It's for lvl 70, but players can go to lvl 80, and soon will go to lvl 85........
  11. And high survivability. Such as DKs, Paladins, Warlocks, Hunters. But it's easier with Paladins.
  12. haaaaahaha!! Very nice one m8! Does anyone have an addon that sends mail to many ppl at once? So I can try this to many ppl because to 1 person it worked. You see a mail that costs 10g. Well OK, It's just 10g (you think) so you open it. :P
  13. m8 lvling in WoW is of NO importance. I can lvl a char from lvl 1 to 80 in 10 days. That's the point. The whole thing starts at lvl 80. You can start playing in the arena, which is WAY better than L2's arenas, or Olympiad, and you can start doing Raids and serious BGs. Raids are fun :P Especially Ulduar. Just go to youtube and search for "Wow Ulduar" and see some vids, you'll understand.
  14. Well don't get too excited. It's announced to be released at October of 2010, expect it at January of 2011........
  15. Gia na petakseis sthn northrend prepei na eisai lvl 77. Otan pas lvl 77 prepei na pas ston Flight Trainer ths Dalaran kai na pareis to Cold Weather Flying (1000g). Tote 8a petas kai Northrend. Mexri tote o monos tropos einai an eisai alt. Giati aytoi pou exoune hdh parei to Cold Weather Flying mporoun na to ksanaparoun kai na to dwsoun se alts, apo to lvl 68. An einai o prwtos sou paixths prepei na pas 77.
  16. Well I'm afraid I posted it 8 months ago! I could guess they'd have fixed it by now.
  17. Well. I bought a gamecard, and did this. It worked 100%. But I didn't get the gamecard back. In fact you should delete this topic. It's not just a cool way to play wow for free. It's considered Fraud. It is against the law, and if someone catches you, you're going to get a fine and maybe 3 months of jail. So if you want my opinion I think you should close the thread. We're a Cheaters forum, not a Stealers forum.
  18. yeah I understand :P and to be a guildmaster you got to be a little mature :P I'm surprised he just fell for it, but I still got my 1k =D
  19. lawl I just made 1k gold with a friend's account.... I logged in a player called asdfagdfg and sent a mail to my friend's guild leader saying that if he doesn't give him 1k gold I'll just hack his pc and disband the guild.... He just gave him 1k gold just like that... There are many stupid people out there...
  20. Carnage is slow. Soul bow is VERY slow. So Carnage is faster than Soul Bow. So Carnage is better imo.
  21. hmmm... I used to pwn hunters without any hesitation... Their pet deals very low damage, and they definitely can't deal 28k dmg in 3s which is how much the pet's stun lasts. So, as a Warlock I then fear the hunter and kill him in less than 6s which is how much the fear usually lasts. And of course I got a stun just in case =D DKs are simply nothing..... Rogues with the VoidWalker's greater stealth detection are also nothing, since they can't do anything when they get stunned + feared =D Palas are a bit tricky with that bubble, but when they're bubbled they deal half damage so I still survive with 20k HP + 8k shield + 5-6k Healthstone.
  22. true, but report him to some gm in your server anyway :P
  23. HAHAHA I want to see a Tauren Paladin!! Tauren Paladin = Holy Cow xD
  24. Paidia kati allo pou mporeis na kaneis einai gia catacombs... vreiskeis ena friend, kaneis party kai vazeis to auto-clicker na kanei synexeia deksi click sto name tou friend sou (sto party)... Etsi o paixths sou 8a kanei aytomata assist ston filo sou, kai me to pou kanei target ena mob 8a phgaineis na to varas... Mporeis na pas afk etsi alla sto idio pc den mporeis na kaneis tipota. Link gia auto-clicker: Link
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