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Everything posted by ^Moon^

  1. Why you accept to do transactions with him if you say is a cheater? Is clearly you are desperate, i consider this pointless :D
  2. Look like a nice project, good lock with this.
  3. We will be back LIVE in 24 April 2015 Checkout Special Features in the main description
  4. Talented guy who know what business is and one guy that actually care about his community, you got my respect N1ghy, keep your server online and good luck in future
  5. I am just say`in... For everyone out there, stop createing lineage 2 interlude servers on java platforms you get from a free source, if you really want to open a lineage 2 interlude server, take a clean pack, rework everything and make it close to l2off, after all this open beta 7 days for test every fucking thing in this game server, if you are not able to do this... leave this things for pro guys. This is only my opinion... and is not only for you, is for everybody!
  6. I can, but i will not post here, if you want see something contact me in private.
  7. We also had russian community but 80% from europe
  8. This my old server phoenix 45x (prodigy) on c4 chronicle
  9. Welcome to L2 Elite PvP Check the main topic this one was removed
  10. Christimas is comming! 20-27 december period server increase his xp/sp rates x2 Join us and bring your clan inside have fun with l2elite community
  11. X-Mas Santa Claus NPC added in Giran Town
  12. +1 Thats true! I am only posting news of my server, i don't need spammers here. Thanks for understanding!
  13. I am a grown man i am 31 years old, and i don`t see what is the point you come on my server and talk trash, you know you are not right, is this personal or soemthing? just be honest and tell me :)
  14. There are more. Login and check : varka ketra imperial tomb fog mos rb zones level zones between 30-60 yesterday valakas was killed by 10 clans
  15. I dont have to waste my time with you. You are just a retarded kid closed in his little room. You are the hero behind the keyboard :) have fun kid
  16. Admin please ban this kid. He is spamming everywhere with useless posts.
  17. Login in game and check farm zones/level zones/quest zones/boss zones/ Players are everywhere I do not use online counter x1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 like all servers do... Just login and convince yourself m8 :)
  18. Another forum members spamming everywhere for getting more and more posts? That`s lame...
  19. Join us today!
  20. When there are too many custom things player get confused and give up. In my opinion leave the interlude official as it is. Best server would be a 30-50x without crafting items, get some coins automatic when you gain levelup for buy A/S grade items The game should be based on exp, pvp and questing ( not booring farm )
  21. I am working at X-Mas presents feature. You will have in shop soon: ---> A grade box 70% weapons/jewels/armors ---> S grade box 70% weapons/jewels/armors Buy them with items found on spoil in our new special zone ( hunting santa claus ) - drop(spoil) - 1 Santa tooth ---> A grade box 70% 25-250 santa tooth ( depends of how hard is to spoil/craft the base item ) ---> S grade box 70% 100-2000 santa tooth ( depends of how hard is to spoil/craft the base item ) Custom Raid Boss will drop Santa tooths also :) JOIN US website: www.l2elite-pvp.com Have fun and enjoy your stay
  22. Why server down? I wanted to play :D
  23. I hope i will get a lot of answers and comments from you guys. just let me know your opinion, bad or good :)
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