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About Masterand

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    United States

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  1. Nice, i can help u. Send pm me.
  2. Send pm friend. I make to u.
  3. Send me pm. I have two full chars,
  4. 20 Euros. Mitad de precio. half-price.
  5. I am selling below the original price which is 40 EUROS. A new completely unique game theme design Lineage 2 for your best server. An illustration of the character of the elf's hat of an archer was drawn from scratch especially for this project. A unique logo will add to your project greater importance among other similar ones. The design set includes additional player ranking and download pages. Many additional pop-ups and windows included too. The site design looks modern with preservation of all the best stylistic traditions of the game Lineage 2. The forum easily adapts to the Invision Community engine.
  6. Good morning my dear. I am selling this layout below the price I paid. A fantastic, responsive and animated layout. You can check the video I recorded of the video below. If interested, they can send PM.
  7. Hi, my skype is leo.concas@live.fr
  8. Vendo por debajo del precio original que es 40 EUROS. Viendo la mitad de precio. Enlace original: https://templstock.com/en/product/l2-rise-endorUn nuevo diseño de tema de juego completamente único Lineage 2 para tu mejor servidor. Una ilustración del personaje del sombrero de elfo de un arquero fue dibujada desde cero especialmente para este proyecto. Un logo único agregará a su proyecto una mayor importancia entre otros similares. El conjunto de diseño incluye páginas de descarga y clasificación de jugadores adicionales. También se incluyen muchas ventanas emergentes y ventanas adicionales. El diseño del sitio parece moderno con la preservación de las mejores tradiciones estilísticas del juego Lineage 2. El foro se adapta fácilmente al motor Invision Community.Fácil adaptación a Mu online. Razón de la venta: Mi antiguo proyecto de Lineage 2. Comprobante de compra:
  9. by majority of the Brazilian people it's dumb. So no complaints. Why do not they know a real job. To them, this is something beautiful and wonderful.
  10. Good afternoon. I need some quests for classic 2.0 saviors. Q00071_SagaOfEvasTemplar Q00072_SagaOfTheSwordMuse Q00073_SagaOfTheDuelist Q00074_SagaOfTheDreadnought Q00075_SagaOfTheTitan Q00076_SagaOfTheGrandKhavatari Q00077_SagaOfTheDominator Q00078_SagaOfTheDoomcryer Q00079_SagaOfTheAdventurer Q00080_SagaOfTheWindRider Q00081_SagaOfTheGhostHunter Q00082_SagaOfTheSagittarius Q00083_SagaOfTheMoonlightSentinel Q00084_SagaOfTheGhostSentinel Q00085_SagaOfTheCardinal Q00086_SagaOfTheHierophant Q00087_SagaOfEvasSaint Q00088_SagaOfTheArchmage Q00089_SagaOfTheMysticMuse Q00090_SagaOfTheStormScreamer Q00092_SagaOfTheElementalMaster Q00093_SagaOfTheSpectralMaster Q00094_SagaOfTheSoultaker Q00095_SagaOfTheHellKnight Q00096_SagaOfTheSpectralDancer Q00097_SagaOfTheShillienTemplar Q00098_SagaOfTheShillienSaint Q00100_SagaOfTheMaestro Q00348_AnArrogantSearch RETAIL LIKE of l2jserver based.
  11. O que tu ta falando mano, não fala o que tu apenas vê. Ele também não tinha direito de invadir nosso servidor, pois nos logs batiam um IP que vinha do servidor onde esta hospedado o site dele. E ai? Cabaço. Não fala o que não sabe. Termos uma ova, termos não servem pra nada nesse país amigo. Termo do meu ovo. What you're talking about, do not say what you just see. He also had no right to invade our server, because the logs hit an IP that came from the server where he hosted his site dud. What's up? Gourd. He does not speak what he does not know. Terms an shi*, terms do not use in this country friend. End of my egg.
  12. And I bought a panel a long time ago, a panel of l2jscripts. But the same does not answer my emails anymore. I am willing to share it if you are willing to help me make it work on another mysql port other than the default 3306 port. Theoretically it is to work with H5. If they are willing to help, I share them here with everyone. And so we make the community even better. Since they are not giving me more support. O0
  13. Hello my dear ones. Next ... I'm looking for some mod that I can put to sell the buffs of the characters themselves. I found several, but neither one worked properly for the H5. I'm using l2jserver latest branch. Does anyone know of any functional, or someone to tell me to develop the same? Thank you for now.
  14. Thanks for the answer. I'm using l2jserver latest branch. I had forgotten to mention the version.
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