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Everything posted by cuppacoffee

  1. if Inventory.User.ByID(id, item) and not (Item.Equipped) then begin Engine.UseItem (id); There you go. That is what you need to make what you want I.
  2. +1 I see so many posts on various forums about how easy it is to bypass client-restrictions but not a single one is telling how to do it :p
  3. How about sharing it then? :)
  4. begin while true do begin <your stuff you wanna repeat here> end end. Also, check out the existing topic about adr scripts. The answer to your question was given there already :)
  5. To send more than one kind of items in one mail: Engine.SendMail ('recipient', 'subject', '', [id1,count1, id2,count2, id3,count3]);
  6. All you need to make it is shared here in this topic already.
  7. 1: depends on what type of dialogue box it is. If it's tutorial window no. If dialogue box, yes. Engine.DlgSel('whatever') 2: You gotta have spawnpoints in all cities/the city you know you will be in. Eg. if you soe from somewhere near Giran you will end up in one of the n spawnpoints in Giran. See adr scripting guide for how to use 'inrange' command. 3: yes. Again, see scripting manual. Hint: QuestStatus 4: no
  8. Try here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1
  9. There was a lengthy discussion about it on some Russian forum. Think it was Averia and/or 4gameforum. Maybe those are worth a look for you.
  10. Double check that you are using conditions correctly. '>' and '<' are not the same you know.
  11. Try Adrenalin official site perhaps? Just an idea :x
  12. Take a look in the client dev section. There you can find the tools you need to open those files.
  13. Afaik you need script for that. Settings in adr interface only lets you protect yourself ei. attack already flagged players.
  14. Code to looping a script is here in topic already. To repeat every x seconds just add a delay inside to loop.
  15. You don't need script for that. Can be set up in bot interface. From what you posted it seems like you are using wrong conditions for heal.
  16. First you need to find out what is used to limit box amount. IP, HWID or something else. Then you can start a more narrowed-down search.
  17. No need for script. See attachment.
  18. Not as far as I know, no.
  19. Well, good.. there you have it then :P
  20. That you can find here in this topic. Hint: UseItem command and moving/clicking with mouse.
  21. pseudo code: begin while true do begin if user dead then begin go to village check position and act accordingly (ei. if in point A move to point F then move to G then to H and if in point B move to point I then J then H) rebuff at point H port to zone end; end. this is what you are looking for?
  22. begin if inventory.user.ByID (weapon, item) and not (item.EnchantLevel >= goal) then begin <your enchant procedure which you can find all the info you need for here in this topic> end. Looks for weapon with certain ID in your inventory and if it isn't already enchanted to your goal enchant does your enchant procedure. This should be more than enough to make it yourself :p
  23. Edit interface.xdat with xdat editor. Look into FlightShipControlWnd and FlightShipTransformWnd for the skillbars.
  24. ^^ From what has been posted here you should be able to make an enchant script. At least I did :p The thing you need to do is basically this if: Check enchant level (let's call it i) if i < safe enchant use ews on weapon if i > safe enchant use bews if i = your enchant goal then stop repeat Above is pseudo-code and won't give you anything if you try and run it btw.
  25. The tali/augment shortcuts not working. Also, why the hell is /unstuck and common craft there? This looks suspiciously much like something I saw not long ago on some other forum (forgot which though). So I really doubt you made this yourself. Give credit where credit is due. If you did indeed make it, keep up the good work but please, for the love of all thats holy, test it before you release it as anything more than a tester for folks to play around with.
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