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About alextoti13

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  1. they just told me to redownload client ^^
  2. though ive tested with an old system from l2epic and the game run normally but wouldnt login, but with the latest system with a strix guard sth like this wont let it run
  3. Hello, ive installed l2 (fresh install from torrent) and the patch (deleted old system), but while im starting the client im getting error: unrecoverable error - bombing out I get this when the client starts, but the screen is still black and then closes. Im using windows 7 sp1. Server: l2epic
  4. the beta will be earlier but not sure now!
  5. Grand opening announceD: http://l2desire.co.nf/forum/index.php?topic=14.0
  6. Grand opening announceD: http://l2desire.co.nf/forum/index.php?topic=14.0 fotos may be uploaded tommorow!
  7. Grand opening announceD: http://l2desire.co.nf/forum/index.php?topic=14.0
  8. today or tommorow the srv gonna open at the end of the month! stay tuned check our srv events
  9. its not 100% blessed also its like pride this pack is hard to play it will be so easy to understand a gm char :)
  10. ill low the enchant rates and also the grand opening is around the end of the month
  11. Thank u sanctus
  12. Thank you
  13. nah because ur a fail one and u cant open a srv dont blame others who can open a proper srv...
  14. actually not my purposes are others and my friends wanted to open a srv too
  15. actually ive played but im not playing like others who are all day at their pc in order to play a game
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