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Everything posted by Nairoby

  1. Increase post hide! If it works in offi, then u should.
  2. This exploit is how to set up one private shop in forbidden zones, for servers that have this option: 1. Go to area you can open private shop, set up things you want to add in, then you have 2 options: a) You make party with one doomcryer and he summon you, gate chant; b) If "a)" dont works you can try instead of an doomcryer, you party a summoner with summon friend skill, then he must attemp to summon you in a "shop" zone, but you shouldnt accept the summon yet, let him run to the location of non-shop zone that you want, and then accept the summon, and dadam! EDIT1: Credits by me ofc! EDIT2: You can get kick by gm causee this, i advice you only to put your shop a little out of limits and not in middle of a forbidden zone
  3. Any l2off gracia files? ( not mooded files, i mean full files)
  4. Any l2off gracia files? ( not mooded files, i mean full files)
  5. Lol.... so simple and so damn good :D
  6. Acumen + overenchant....... there are emp augments, acumen nop.... there are enchant to increase m atk.... enchants dont increase cast speed....
  7. Its the source code... u can edit program behaviour if u know to programm in that language
  8. all skill.... that ones that have faking long reuse :)
  9. 1 time.... and not life time ban, just 1 week ban :D
  10. for 1 vs 1 i vote elf.... for mass i vote th
  11. Th bad thing is, if u walk u cancel macro, so u only will atk and cppots dont spam
  12. Geez..... what a faking difrence..... even in last 3 ch's
  13. Its retail server status....
  14. SPS need only cast speed and m ctitc rate... dont try balance ur sps making more m atk.... Make it with even more cast speed!
  15. WOW Emperor wings pwnass!!
  16. This is way to have a GK with tp to rbs or its a script to only you enter in rbs without q?
  17. You need to encode file again... anyway, post screenw ith error to ppl can help you
  18. remember that ur server need have offline shop system
  19. In one of servers i play, i cant use this cause client only run with that server updater files.... IS there any other way?
  20. In servers with crappy geoadata, you can make with strider or if u dont have, with a transformation works too.
  21. When u send packet u can be in any location? or near the same gk u "copy" the packet?
  22. You cant change subclass while a servitor is summoned, in most servers u get a msg relacioned to this.
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