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Everything posted by jurgutis

  1. ;D ;D hows the sunrise server i played it earlyer ??? ???
  2. these champion mobs are good stuff but for a normal server i wouldnt recommend it
  3. LOL its very old trick i was doing it very long time but in many servers its fixed for sure
  4. tell us how to do this ??
  5. so sey whats the trick
  6. what to do ?? i ran databese instaler i putted mysql directory i whrote root l2jdb localhost and i get this error somehow i pased that problem but now its this http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/7805/74134328rr4.jpg[/img] its seas that armor.sql is bad ?? or what??
  7. cool i like this ;D
  8. this game rock i sugggest to try it
  9. or you want that scrolls would give 100+ that 1 scroll puts +100 ??
  10. these www.l2-underworld.net and http://www.l2athebaldt.com/ the best for now i think if you want to try kamael and have good fun :P :P
  11. OH yuo are a real smart man arent you ?
  12. in some works and in 2 servers got jail for a week ;D ;D
  13. fixed in many servers
  14. i know 2 good servers for me kamael ;)
  15. OOOO nice share COOL :o :o :o
  16. maybe he was 1lvl and someone with bigger lvl killed him and then dmg is really big BUT THE SERVER ROCKS
  17. bad server ppl not friendly
  18. panosgarett how did you saw whats written in the post??
  19. Dam it i got ban >:( >:( then GM saw me
  20. i used minimized and it worked for me
  21. so what if its a tip or exploit what matters that it good trick
  22. OOOOOO cool ill try to work with it thnx
  23. oh my friend ONEO the best i think now lots server (kamael) have bugs but everything is fixable
  24. soon it will be but for now the best kamael serverpack i think is ONEO
  25. gameserver config directory i think
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