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Everything posted by a1

  1. LOLBOOST.EU - CHEAP ELO BOOST ABOUT US Recently Opened Offering 20% discount for ePVP & MXC members threw trade request. Highest Quality We offer the highest quality services, and we use only private and dedicated proxies, tunnels, and VPN’s. Best Price Thanks to our professional boosters, we guarantee the CHEAPEST price in EU and fast turn around time on your account’s boosting. Safe & Secure Our boosting services are completely safe and secure. There is no reason to worry about you account. VPN protection - we only use trusted and paid VPN services. Offline-Mode our boosters only use offline mode for a Solo Q boosts. (Offline-mode is disabled friendlist, disabled chat in game) Price list Guaranteed cheapest price of all the company's in the EUROPE. For the full list of prices please visit us on www.lolboost.eu or contact us! Account shop We do have our own account shop! Looking for a specific account? - We will find it for you! Vouching Please contact us. Contacts Website:www.lolboost.eu Skype:cslolboosteu@gmail.com Email:cslolboosteu@gmail.com
  2. Well perfect! Deleted some unusefull lines =] Ty for your time :) Good Luck!
  3. I try to manage that witouth any java knowledge: so it should be something like that afer dodie method: if (itemId = x && item.isEquipped()) { activechar.getInstance().drop(_ItemX, killer); } But how about inventory update? And could you be more specific and give me a hand? Would be Thankfull.
  4. Hello, I want to make a script which should sound like that: If (activechar.isequiped item id = x) and when he dies (is dead) from mob/during pvp/pk and etc. he should drop that x item, but only then if he has it equiped, and ofc if he doesnt have that item then no drop. Any ideas? :) Would be thankfull. Best Regards a1
  5. Btw - works on interlude, the biggest problem that you are not allowed to wear any armors, to see the effect. Maybe someone know what changes need that effect would be seen even if armors is equiped?
  6. Maybe on interlude bleeding effect isnt called "ab_bleeding"?
  7. Omg read forum rules. Tell Server Pack, Revision and ETC, then someone will be able to help, couse now you dont give any information and we dont know anything just the problem.
  8. Saw this about 1 or 2 years ago, its old, and gonna ruin normal game of Line][age II. I hate shares like that, but nvm. And i really quess that is not your job, you should give proper credits if i am right.
  9. Well i think is not that hard to make them self? Anyway those armors are too OP, and they were usable only on IA very balanced server, with tons of HP, m.defs and etc. those armors had very big status as i remember, and gonna unbalance everything in normal server. What i suggest: Visit IAgaming page, download their c2 or c3 (cant remember) patch, open armorgrp.dat, itemname-e.dat, rework those armors for your selected chronicle, and the thing which will be left for you add some sql files and make some xmls. GL
  10. Ty Alot. Working Perfect. Problem solved, can be locked now. :)
  11. This one was fixed yesterday, but how about PC BANG POINTS window rename?
  12. And sendmessages: activeChar.sendMessage("You have gained " + score + " Pc Bang Points"); activeChar.sendMessage("You have gained double " + score + " PC Bang Points"); So fail? Where do you see that what i want to change?
  13. Why you are making ridicilious posts? Learn to read i dont want disable that system, i just want rename it.
  14. Nope i dont, i used activechar.sendmessage method, not system messages. And it is sending that PC Bang Points are gained, nothing more.
  15. Ty Working. Topic can be locked now.
  16. So i really was searching arround in java and etc and couldnt find the place where i can change this: So The Questions: 1. How i can rename <<PC Bang Points>>, which is displayed over the radar. 2. How i can change information given after pressing on the <<?>>.
  17. Well i need something like that: When you press choose kamael, enter nick and etc and press create button, you see this message: You are not allowed to do this, choose another class.
  18. Post written in: http://forum.l2joff.info/index.php?topic=10.0 By Kindness All bugs found were fixed, ofc is a possibility to exists. Protections Also. That pack was tested with around 300 players. That pack it's based on La2Base(L2JHarpun) but with hard work. When will be opened on 17-August will be uploaded on a new svn. We want to do something great, with that i mean L2Java Free Project but with protections and bugs, exploits fixes not with money like other. Best Regards, Kindness -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So i hope there will be free source.
  19. Tested, nice features, waiting for SVN and Timeline. Good luck! Btw a question: When SVN and Timeline will be ready?
  20. So hello, long time ago on Maxcheaters, i had found class create restriction, like you are unable to create some class - Kamael. And now i am not able to find that topic, maybe someone could share that PATH or give a proper link to that restriction. Would be thankfull.
  21. Use use things or whatever we could call "items" adopted for other chronicles i think. Try using your hand and putting everyting in correct line one by one.
  22. New item (not armor or a weapon) creation: 1stly itemname-e.dat create new item id, give a name for it. 2ndly open etcitemgrp.dat add your new item id, select icone, texture which will be shown after dropping the item. 3rd and last - add it to etc_item table. Maybe will be usefull if you wont see side effects: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relaunch client after modding if you were using it before editing system files. If you were online in server use //reload command or just restart server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finish. Should be Locked.
  23. Understood, you want this: After pressing on specific item (like forgotten scroll or whatever) html appears with skill learn window. Well for that you should edit CORE.
  24. Share init.py somewhere and let me fix. Btw .online command: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=150307.0 Next time just use search, and dont waste our expensive time ;)
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