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About OTzimakosKaiToTeras

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  1. Ye i know this :) is no looking either in other chars.. no move head at all i think is client problem but which file control it?
  2. Παρατα τ l2j αν δεν μπορεις να ανοιξεις port... σημαινει οτι δεν μπορεις καν να ψαξεις το portforwarding στο ρουτερ σου.
  3. Hello, when i was playing C4 and Interlude as far i can remember the head of character was able to turn and look exactly where your target was. Right now i'm using CT2.5 chronicle and heads are static.. (does not move) I know this is client problem but which file handle this? Do i need some addon or download other Freya chronicle? Thanks a lot!
  4. stop these bullshit topics please.... stop cant see more shitty posts
  5. Afcourse you are the best i know since i start working with l2j. Most of them here are wannabe child like xdem but you are real good :) appreciate Thumbs up for L2j developer :) And basicaly u the reason i loved l2j :P
  6. 1st of all thanks for your answers on my posts 2nd i made them work now i have a new problem in a new code i make. This code understand if your parthner (marriage) is inside radius of 500 and on pvp kill it addxp or restore HP (whatever) the idea is this what i did is this: public void increasePvpKills(final L2Character target) { if (vs == null) vs = new Versus(this); else vs.increaseKills(); if (target instanceof L2PcInstance && AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target)) { // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter PvpClanPoints(); CoupleSupport(this); // Increase the kill count for a special hero aura heroConsecutiveKillCount++; // Ignore this if (heroConsecutiveKillCount > 999) setHero(true); L2MultiFunctionZone.givereward(this); // Send a Server->Client UserInfo packet to attacker with its Karma and PK Counter sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this)); } } /** * If Player has partner and he/her inside X zone, restore HP points */ public static void CoupleSupport(final L2PcInstance player) { //Repeat for (L2Character target : player.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(500))//Gia kathe xaraktira entos 500 radius(xaraktires einai kai ta summon kai ta terata ktlp) { if(target instanceof L2PcInstance)//An o xaraktiras einai pektis { if(((L2PcInstance) target).getPartnerId() == player.getObjectId()); { player.sendMessage("Your parthner is inside Zone!"); target.addExpAndSp(50000000, 500000); //something //player.sendPacket(new RadarControl(0, 2, 186214, 61591, -4152)); //target.setIsParalyzed(true); } } } }It work but it also give EXP and SP to victim(the player get killed). how to avoid this? I want only parthner get EXP (if inside zone) Thanks in advance <3
  7. Why i need to repeat 50-55 times what i said before? I already did the adoption i just need help with problem appear (previous comment) I don't want you tell me that code need adoption or quit it does not help... anyway for god sake
  8. Guys, stop trolling devlin he want sell a 2 line code to a random guy, he try get some easy money, stop been his "STOP" sign :) Where is xdem when we need him :)
  9. Yes but maybe you know the problem like the guy posted on top (with picture and with array) ? for freya
  10. Yeah seriously same error with array as top comment from me... what should change? +players.firstElement().
  11. I fixed it, someone lock it i'm the best developer <3 :P
  12. Hello, i'm using phoenix engine which has CTF event inside. The problem is that when event start and i go to get the enemy flag when i click on enemy team holder nothing happen.. i don't get the flag, no messages, no gs errors, nothing... Here's the code: package net.phoenixengine.event; import net.phoenixengine.AbstractEvent; import net.phoenixengine.Config; import net.phoenixengine.container.NpcContainer; import net.phoenixengine.io.Out; import net.phoenixengine.model.EventNpc; import net.phoenixengine.model.EventPlayer; import net.phoenixengine.model.TeamEventStatus; public class CTF extends AbstractEvent { public static boolean enabled = true; private class Core implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { try { switch (eventState) { case START: divideIntoTeams(2); teleportToTeamPos(); preparePlayers(); createPartyOfTeam(1); createPartyOfTeam(2); forceSitAll(); spawnFlagsAndHolders(); setStatus(EventState.FIGHT); schedule(10000); break; case FIGHT: forceStandAll(); setStatus(EventState.END); clock.start(); break; case END: clock.stop(); if (winnerTeam == 0) winnerTeam = getWinnerTeam(); unspawnFlagsAndHolders(); if (playerWithRedFlag != null) unequipFlag(playerWithRedFlag); if (playerWithBlueFlag != null) unequipFlag(playerWithBlueFlag); giveReward(getPlayersOfTeam(winnerTeam)); setStatus(EventState.INACTIVE); announce("Congratulation! The " + teams.get(winnerTeam).getName() + " team won the event with " + teams.get(winnerTeam).getScore() + " kills!"); eventEnded(); break; } } catch (final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); announce("Error! Event ended."); eventEnded(); } } } private enum EventState { START, FIGHT, END, TELEPORT, INACTIVE } private EventState eventState; private final Core task; private EventNpc redFlagNpc; private EventNpc blueFlagNpc; private EventNpc redHolderNpc; private EventNpc blueHolderNpc; private int redFlagStatus; private int blueFlagStatus; private EventPlayer playerWithRedFlag; private EventPlayer playerWithBlueFlag; public CTF(final Integer containerId) { super(containerId); eventId = 10; createNewTeam(1, "Blue", Config.getInstance().getColor(getId(), "Blue"), Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "Blue", 1)); createNewTeam(2, "Red", Config.getInstance().getColor(getId(), "Red"), Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "Red", 1)); task = new Core(); winnerTeam = 0; playerWithRedFlag = null; playerWithBlueFlag = null; blueFlagStatus = 0; redFlagStatus = 0; clock = new EventClock(Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "matchTime")); } @Override protected void endEvent() { winnerTeam = players.head().getNext().getValue().getMainTeam(); setStatus(EventState.END); clock.stop(); } private void equipFlag(final EventPlayer player, final int flag) { player.unequipWeapon(); player.equipNewItem(6718); switch (flag) { case 1: playerWithBlueFlag = player; announce(getPlayerList(), player.getName() + " took the Blue flag!"); blueFlagNpc.unspawn(); break; case 2: playerWithRedFlag = player; announce(getPlayerList(), player.getName() + " took the Red flag!"); redFlagNpc.unspawn(); break; default: break; } player.broadcastUserInfo(); } @Override protected String getScorebar() { return "" + teams.get(1).getName() + ": " + teams.get(1).getScore() + " " + teams.get(2).getName() + ": " + teams.get(2).getScore() + " Time: " + clock.getTimeInString(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see net.phoenixengine.AbstractEvent#onClockZero() */ @Override protected void onClockZero() { setStatus(EventState.END); schedule(1); } @Override public void onDie(final EventPlayer victim, final EventPlayer killer) { super.onDie(victim, killer); if (playerWithRedFlag != null && playerWithRedFlag.equals(victim)) { announce(getPlayerList(), victim.getName() + " dropped the Red flag!"); redFlagStatus = 2; unequipFlag(victim); redFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(victim.getOwnerLoc().getX(), victim.getOwnerLoc().getY(), victim.getOwnerLoc().getZ(), Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "redFlagId"), instanceId); } if (playerWithBlueFlag != null && playerWithBlueFlag.equals(victim)) { announce(getPlayerList(), victim.getName() + " dropped the Blue flag!"); blueFlagStatus = 2; unequipFlag(victim); blueFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(victim.getOwnerLoc().getX(), victim.getOwnerLoc().getY(), victim.getOwnerLoc().getZ(), Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "blueFlagId"), instanceId); } addToResurrector(victim); } @Override public void onKill(final EventPlayer victim, final EventPlayer killer) { super.onKill(victim, killer); } @Override public void onLogout(final EventPlayer player) { super.onLogout(player); if (playerWithRedFlag.equals(player)) { announce(getPlayerList(), player.getName() + " dropped the Red flag!"); redFlagStatus = 2; unequipFlag(player); redFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(player.getOwnerLoc().getX(), player.getOwnerLoc().getY(), player.getOwnerLoc().getZ(), Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "redFlagId"), instanceId); } if (playerWithBlueFlag.equals(player)) { announce(getPlayerList(), player.getName() + " dropped the Blue flag!"); blueFlagStatus = 2; unequipFlag(player); blueFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(player.getOwnerLoc().getX(), player.getOwnerLoc().getY(), player.getOwnerLoc().getZ(), Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "blueFlagId"), instanceId); } } @Override public boolean onTalkNpc(final Integer npcId, final EventPlayer player) { final EventNpc npc = NpcContainer.getInstance().getNpc(npcId); if (npc == null) return false; if (!(npc.equals(blueFlagNpc) || npc.equals(blueHolderNpc) || npc.equals(redFlagNpc) || npc.equals(redHolderNpc))) return false; // Blue holder if (npc.equals(blueHolderNpc)) if (player.equals(playerWithRedFlag) && blueFlagStatus == 0) { announce(getPlayerList(), "The Blue team scored!"); teams.get(player.getMainTeam()).increaseScore(); player.increaseScore(); returnFlag(2); } // Red holder if (npc.equals(redHolderNpc)) if (player.equals(playerWithBlueFlag) && redFlagStatus == 0) { announce(getPlayerList(), "The Red team scored!"); teams.get(player.getMainTeam()).increaseScore(); player.increaseScore(); returnFlag(1); } // Blue flag if (npc.equals(blueFlagNpc)) { if (blueFlagStatus == 2) { // blue player if (player.getMainTeam() == 1) returnFlag(1); // red player if (player.getMainTeam() == 2) equipFlag(player, 1); } if (blueFlagStatus == 0) if (player.getMainTeam() == 2) { equipFlag(player, 1); blueFlagNpc.unspawn(); blueFlagStatus = 1; } } // Red flag if (npc.equals(redFlagNpc)) { if (redFlagStatus == 2) { // red player if (player.getMainTeam() == 2) returnFlag(2); // blue player if (player.getMainTeam() == 1) equipFlag(player, 2); } if (redFlagStatus == 0) if (player.getMainTeam() == 1) { equipFlag(player, 2); redFlagNpc.unspawn(); redFlagStatus = 1; } } return true; } @Override public boolean onUseItem(final EventPlayer player, final Integer item) { if (playerWithRedFlag != null && playerWithRedFlag.equals(player) || playerWithBlueFlag != null && playerWithBlueFlag.equals(player)) return false; return true; } private void returnFlag(final int flag) { int[] pos; switch (flag) { case 1: if (playerWithBlueFlag != null) unequipFlag(playerWithBlueFlag); if (blueFlagStatus == 2) blueFlagNpc.unspawn(); pos = Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "BlueFlag", 1); blueFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "blueFlagId"), instanceId); blueFlagStatus = 0; announce(getPlayerList(), "The Blue flag returned!"); break; case 2: if (playerWithRedFlag != null) unequipFlag(playerWithRedFlag); if (redFlagStatus == 2) redFlagNpc.unspawn(); pos = Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "RedFlag", 1); redFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "redFlagId"), instanceId); redFlagStatus = 0; announce(getPlayerList(), "The Red flag returned!"); break; } } @Override protected void schedule(final int time) { Out.tpmScheduleGeneral(task, time); } private void setStatus(final EventState s) { eventState = s; } private void spawnFlagsAndHolders() { int[] pos = Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "BlueFlag", 1); blueFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "blueFlagId"), instanceId); blueHolderNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "blueFlagHolderId"), instanceId); pos = Config.getInstance().getPosition(getId(), "RedFlag", 1); redFlagNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "redFlagId"), instanceId); redHolderNpc = NpcContainer.getInstance().createNpc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], Config.getInstance().getInt(getId(), "redFlagHolderId"), instanceId); } @Override public void start() { setStatus(EventState.START); schedule(1); } private void unequipFlag(final EventPlayer player) { player.unequipAndRemove(6718); if (player.equals(playerWithRedFlag)) playerWithRedFlag = null; if (player.equals(playerWithBlueFlag)) playerWithBlueFlag = null; } private void unspawnFlagsAndHolders() { blueFlagNpc.unspawn(); blueHolderNpc.unspawn(); redFlagNpc.unspawn(); redHolderNpc.unspawn(); } @Override public void createStatus() { status = new TeamEventStatus(containerId); } } And help i would appreciate.
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