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L2Network.eu last won the day on December 29 2020

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  1. so, its time to grow up l2network that dont care about money but for community and owners! Perfect support by me! Unique features, Vote system credits by using our or your vote system...bumping system for everyone, Players based rating system (emoji-star rating and not pay to go up)
  2. so, its time to grow up l2network that dont care about money but for community and owners! Perfect support by me! Unique features, Vote system credits by using our or your vote system. Players based rating system (emoji-star rating and not pay to go up)
  3. i think someone with knowledge easy can edit it for other project files...and yes we didnt code it, just we need people to test it
  4. Good evening MXCers i would like to Request from all of you to test our New vote reward system that works for mostly all l2p/f/s packs ( thanks to L2-Scripts , L2s-Guard Team for that ). Please for any bugs, problems inform us ! Download link here: You can find also our files on Control panel Toplist: https://l2network.eu/ Credits: L2-Scripts Regards, L2Network.EU & L2TopNetwork.com
  5. Then try this one: http://l2network.eu/
  6. Here is a working 100% IL engine for Windows 10... (Vagrancy's post)
  7. I see - as i know The HWID Generate a unique Code for Every PC so why you cant verify this unique code ? just a question that's all now if you speak about the Total Votes count then yes you have right - But if you want for individual Vote system then the best way is the HWID
  8. There is no point to take IPs just to be sure if the voter voted or not...With a simple move (restart the routers) you can have any IP you want...Its waste of time Now with a good system you can Check the HWID - is the best way to check the voters
  9. My pleasure to do that...But the Reason you want the Personal IPs from every user? You know that we cant Publish personal Informations to no one!
  10. This is not True for My list tell me what is your server name? And as a Toplist we accept the servers maximum in 8 hours....sometimes it takes 10-20 min
  11. New Smart Widgets is here! Screenshot Generator for the Website...Unique Features only for The L2TopNetwork's Community!
  12. Hello community, The L2Network Team working to create some nice and smart widgets! We already created the online/offline widget that you can easy customize with colors & etc ( we are gonna change the default image )....!! So login to Your panel and give a try! we did not finished yet but help us to make it better More Widgets are coming
  13. UPDATE: - Added Flag Counter generator for your Website! Customize your web counter visitor ! features: overview, Live traffic, Today traffic, yesterday traffic, Details and more! ***Info*** For any bugs send us msg!
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