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Everything posted by LogicalMind

  1. Yes. Why should it be deleted? If I explained why I am making this request, noone would believe the "story behind". That's why I don't annoy anyone with it and just get to the point. You can contact your internet police that the bad boys are not out to scam anyone. Cheers Officer :)
  2. Hey guys ! I am looking for a pishing expert to get the password of a facebook account. I had a long break from the internet and not the time and energy to get back into the matter. The person from whom the password is to be fished is personally known to me and I know his interests and what he will react to. He is neither a genius in IT nor is he particularly careful when dealing with emails and untrustworthy websites. Long story short, for someone who is even halfway involved in pishing these days, shouldn't have any problems. For sure the job will be paid. Please pm me with your details, experience and desired award. Thanks in advance :)
  3. Was not into Lineage 2 for ages. Will give it a shot now once again :)
  4. Everything good :D Maybe it was a typo and you wanted to say : "The files are totally edited with notepad+ by me - scripts" Don't get me wrong.. there was no offence from my side. Good luck :)
  5. THAT, made my day :)
  6. Good luck :)
  7. Still i can say that this guys are seriously the most unskilled guys i have ever met in 10 years messing around with Lineage. The post i made is true and everyone should know that no one of them could even launch off files.. i mean.. they can not even find the right .exe ! All skype messages can be provided tho.. Have fun playing on the server made by 11 years old cock munching fags.
  8. Seems to be a fresh and clean setup you are going for. Good luck !
  9. Hello guys, i am launching L2Refresh again and looking for serious gamemasters (trainees with no item creation) and people who can advertise a bit on l2 related platforms. The server will run completely without donations so there will be no profit for you, neither for me. Just for the fun of it ! www.l2refresh.org If you are interested to join feel free to contact me via PM. Greetings, - LogicalMind
  10. Oh man... hahahaha.
  11. lmao.
  12. Everyhting inside the featurelist can be done in L2OFF and everything was already online in previous servers.. so nothing new here. Good luck !
  13. Avellan is a motherf'cking retard and xzone too.. get both hit by a bus and we are fine, faggots.
  14. You are full of lies and you know about those people i mentioned. No one can "stop" a server if its registered with the hwid and key because vanganth does not use a licence server for his active keys. That actually proves that you do not know shit about anything related to l2off. You know that i am right in all what i have said and your "bogdan nenadic" even paid for the files. I was registered inside your forum as "Mind" and even posted there as a staff member.. so why you are trying to hide something? :D Edit: I still like the fact that you are not able to change a config inside the donation panel so the money goes to me + than saying i scammed you lol Remember the day anima when you wrote "Damn why i cant //delete a npc?" :) (this is where he is still pretending to be another guy lol )
  15. lol sure it is not the real one. these guys using my files and the premium account panel from paradise wich i edited before. i developed on the server together with a guy named "swordblade" who touiched l2off files the first time in his life. this "anima" is a guy called "invision" who is probably 14. no one of them knew how to edit anything.. not even how to delete a single npc, i mean completely nothing. after i set up everything they changed passwords to the root machine and the webhost :) now they are saying i scam them because its my paypal adress? you guys just to newbie to change the paypal inside the config files lol all i can say is that these guys can not run a server without external help. someone is developing and administrating the server for them right now. also they are running the server with MY licence. after i told them i backdoored everything one of the "team-mates" wrote me that he also got no access to anything anymore and asked what exactly i backdoored in hope i would tell him what i did so they could hire someone who can erase it. big fail these kids :) nothing more to say.. Ya i know man but really to be honest he broutght people... it is hes old community and what I care is money I dont give a sh.it what hes saying if is going to be profitable... More money comea in me and you are more paid ;) as we dealed before when server dies and we open something else we can do what we want but like 90% of ppl are hes old player from original l2f
  16. You cant even change a config file inside your account panel hahaha :D
  17. Trading any item you want for free. Skype: Logicalmindwtf
  18. Have fun :)
  19. Isnt hosted by us anymore since only the source will be sold. Edit: You can not get rewarded twice a day due to the fact that the system safes also the character info. With a lot of work you will be able to vote more with different characters, therefore the vote-item should not be tradeable.
  20. Better vang than paying 100-200 usd everytime you have to stand up from your fucking chair. You charge people even for contacting them. Disgusting service + disproportionate prices. Never ever choose advext. OT: I am selling a vanganth licence for 100 usd. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/195048-l2off-vang-il-licence/
  21. You can make it safe without the API. Freakin idiots trashtalking much here again without any knowledge.
  22. Dont know whats wrong with the community nowadays but i guess the only solution is to get those guys some kind of a penis enlarger so they will have other things to do.. #kiddos
  23. Want to sell my last Vanganth Interlude Licence. Original costs: 150 usd Selling price: 100 usd
  24. oh oh xel :D
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