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Everything posted by Lin2Hektor

  1. http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory Launchdate: 05.12.14 DONT MISS!!!
  2. http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory
  3. Hello looking for a webdev or webcoder who can fix some easy php / html problems for me urgently.. todoay / tonight. Please add me in Skype : Dogi[Hektor] im willing to pay 20€ ( done in 20min) peace
  4. prooved !! works 100%
  5. Dont foget guys. Check it out now.. One of the most stable servers in the net atm..
  6. epico
  7. Hello guys, i have ICPNetworks votesystem which was free shared some years ago. Anyway i need someone who can recode it and make it work in the way i need it (should know PHP, MSSQL and related stuff very well) What must be done: System is made for L2J and connects to MySql db. I need it to connnect to MSSQL. Aswell the style of rewarding must be changed.. Im willing to pay 100€ Write me pm with your skype ill add you asap!
  8. Hello guys, i have an urgent problem. I want that the bg and the items on the bg are fixed and have nice high resolution when ppl open the website but somehow the bg doesnt get diplayed fully aswell as when you minimize the browser window the items (pics) on the bg are moving. Here is the CSS body { background-image:url(img/bg.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:center top; background-color:#0d0c08; } h2 { font-size: 14px; color: #A36075; margin-top: 640px; margin-left: 290px; padding: 40px; } #img { position: absolute!important; right: 50%; width: 175px; height: 175px; margin-top: -85px; margin-right: -85px; top: 460px; } #low { position: absolute!important; right: 50%; width: 175px; height: 175px; margin-top: 120px; margin-right: 295px; top: 400px; } #high { position: absolute!important; right: 50%; width: 175px; height: 175px; margin-top: 120px; margin-right: -177px; top: 400px; } #forum { position: absolute!important; right: 50%; width: 175px; height: 175px; margin-top: 140px; margin-right: -110px; top: 560px; } would be nice if someone can help
  9. nice that this is your last post here ;) L2Gangster ? What kinda shit is this hahahaha. Only cause your server failed dont hate others. get yourself a hobby i would say girlfriend but i dont think guys like you will have one except paying for them ;) bye
  10. check http://l2info.biz there it says we have right online ;) i lough since first you spammed this topic. you cant even find yourself a gif :D funfactory will stay online next 2 years you will see. and cause we have nice rates and not OP donations ppl will keep joining. our community is growing since day 1. but i know why you are angry. you cant play lineage2 and you want some server where you can buy everything even if u need to take mamas creditcard cause your 14 years old hahahaha hadi bye bye . 1st rule = dont mess with kiddies. and again i did hahahaha. go to school on monday again. maybe your mama gives you some pocketmoney in my country they would have hang you alrdy
  11. =) go play where you can pay for winning. you noob named darknessbg need that kinda server. anyway. thanks for this conversation
  12. tigol is a flamerkid 14 years old according to our forum =) we banned him just some days ago. its always like this. kiddies start to flame cause admin doesnt makes what they want. nobody takes care about tigol. community doesnt like him from the first day. hadi tigol go somewhere else and pay for your win character ;) always same sentence: haters gonna hate. and kiddieflamers are the worst
  13. haters gonna hate.
  14. justice =? wtf are you talking about ? dont understand anything from what you write here hahahaha anyway. i hope you like our server ;)
  15. hmm?
  16. all online ;)
  17. full server. 1000 players ;) haters gonna hate
  18. and now ? =) i said ~800 . boxes arent connected to sockets btw ;) maybe you should first get into it before posting some stuff, anyway i will cut it out here cause not time to argue with you. another gif makes it clear i guess btw you dont have to play on our server. if you dont like go to a server and buy urself some +6500 weapon ;) we are server for real l2 players
  19. You have no idea what you are talking about :D check http://l2info.biz.. ~800 Players and its a retail server. Anyway you know what we say to that ? Btw other servers rpg club or l2mid or all others doesnt matter which one you chosse you can buy urself everything even enchants and armors. We have even nwatch you can check all chars. corruption = 0
  20. join now
  21. russian servers bro =) like rpg club etc..
  22. Growing community. Peak ~ 1000 Players. Check out our livestream from Giran and join NOW !! No downtime, Events, active staff ! 18 DAYS LIVE LIVESTREAM!! JOIN NOW!!!
  23. hahaha now the flaming starts =) gangster what ? stay away kiddo if you not wanna play doesnt matter what cofunder i am no ? bygru yee its not pay to win but you can donate your dualbox if you need a second box. we dont offer any IG items or something else.
  24. http://lineage2gracia.com http://facebook.com/lineage2gracia http://twitter.com/l2graciadotcom Remember remember the server in November: Welcome to Lineage2Gracia.com ! Epic L2Off retail alike Gracia Final Server [x7]! Launchdate: 14.11.2014 Friday 7PM GMT+2 Open Beta : 07.11.2014 - 10.11.2014 EXP/SP: 7x Adena/Seal Stones: 7x Drop: 7x Spoil: 7x Raiddrops: 1x Epic Raiddrops: 1x Spoilrate: 7x Chance, 1x Amount Quest Adenarate: 3x NO GM SHOP NO CUSTOM BUFFERS NEARLY 100% RETAIL No-Box-System Means you can only log 1 client per maschine. Except offlineshops! If you want to Dual-box: Available via donation. Means if you donate you can log maximum 2 clients per maschine! NO GAMERELEVANT DONATIONS!! Offlineshop available (free) Working community server Increased drop amount for vital quests (x3): – Alliance with Ketra Orcs – Alliance with Varka Silenos – An Ice Merchant’s Dream – A Powerful Primeval Creature – Clean up the Swamp of Screams – Coins of magic – Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1/Part 2 – For Sleepless Deadmen – Gather the flames – In Search of Fragments of Dimension – Illegitimate Child of A Goddess – Legacy of Insolence – Supplier of Regeants – The Finest Food – The Finest Ingredients – Part 1 – War with Ketra Orcs – War with Varka Silenos – Whisper Of Dreams Part 1/Part 2 – Rase & Fall of the Elroki Tribe – Relics of the old empire – Yoke of the Past
  25. Check out our livestream. Giran Official http://twitch.tv/l2funfactory
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