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Everything posted by Lin2Hektor

  1. nice nice nice
  2. more or less selfmade... add me in skype and ill send it to you ;)
  3. guys its all alrdy installed and rdy to use... just i need someone to recode the system
  4. so i asked my webhost which is hyperfilter.com they told me that : Hello, This is already present in our webhosting. You can regulary use the functions such as : mssql_open / mssql_close / mssql_query and so on. so maybe of you can add me in skype and try to reedit my exisiting cms ? im willing to pay aswell.. i would do it by myself but like everbody i have enorm timeissues..
  5. Hello ppls, i need some help from a L2off dev. I have a done cms for acc / donation / nwatch and serverstats. It runs over easyphp on the rootserver beside the l2off files. i need the system to be redone and rechecked. cause of timeissues i cant do it and thats why im looking for a dev who can do it. im willing to pay greets
  6. i need someone who makes this system for hop /top / gs200 / ts200 and some other sites pm me in skype
  7. Hello ppls, im looking for a voterewardsystem something like icpnetworks but it must be runable from the webserver (linux) . i know its hard to establish connection between linux and windows (L2Off = mssql). Maybe someone is able to help me. Greets
  8. Hello ppls, a new lineage 2 server project with admin and dev from good old days ist still looking for teammembers. We had couple of server made together and all were successfull and with more than 1000 Players + We search for: a) Webmaster (Who is taking care about existing infrastructure) b) Gamemasters (Talking care of all what happens IG) c) Forumadmin (Cause with 1000+ ppl forum gets always messed up) You are 21+ and have knowledge in Lineage 2 ? You speak perfectly english in word and speech ? Ur able to take responsibilty and work in a team ? Ur relyable? Add us in Skype and lets have a chat Skype: Dogi[Hektor] Greets and thanks for attention
  9. Hello ppls, we are looking for a webmaster (webdesigner, coder, etc.) who is interested in joining a upcomming server project. Your responsibility would be all about Web. That means not only building a web and forum, it means aswell checking it daily + make sure it works at all times, and all the tech stuff behind it like mssql connections, account management (l2accounts). we are offering to join a huge project with last time nearly 3000 players and 25% share of all the profit what comes with it. You are 23+ ? And you call urself a webmaster ? Add us in skype Thanks for your attention
  10. Hello ppls, for a new project of mine i need someone who is doing nice banners and logos. Of course im willing to pay. 2x Logos (details in Skype) 8x Banners (.gif but also not animated in alot of sizes) I need someone who is professional and speak perfect english. Thanks for attention in advance. Contact me in Skype Dogi[Hektor] for faster communication.
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