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About MuerteLegend

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i talking about blessed if u have all things by vote its boring i can farm Everyday and when i will finish farm what the point? :D
  2. The Firist make the blessed Scrolls farblame but make Crystall Scrolls to get it hardly like Vote + Event Coins! make Blessed buyable from Custom Shop with some farm coins also 50% normal 60% blessed as u said its usseles to take blessed scrolls and hit your weapon to make it +++ he will broke all the time usseles all others is fine!
  3. dude my friends joined in beta stage in your svr and left becauze u have all items etc via Vote Coin! its boring u wanna try to get only votes nothing Interesed in this svr only the great balance and pvps! blessed via vote crystalls via vote rb jewels via vote all items via vote easy to get s grade gear and try to farm 30 minutes and im full s grade gear after this making some enchant my wep to +4 +7 and going to make pvp and the lineage 2 ends here! make something to Interesing and not a svr with vote only people using their bots and geting double reward ! if u call this pvp svr make it pvp and not Hard Type! Muerte~
  4. give me your skype via pm i gona give u the file!
  5. u can open it like beta stage to Try people your svr its the easy way but i can see u dont want to do this :)
  6. 30% normal 50% blessed nah.. people will not like it
  7. nope its same!!! i had Hosted Svr in Russia And European players played without any problem!!!
  8. svr is down download for what? .....
  9. u are a big liar u said u are not the Owner of L2 Saralyn and now u are? thats why people left!! anyway i will give a Try to GVE Svr!
  10. When will ready the patch?
  11. not again u are Dumanist u can close and open 100 svrs. u wanna reopen to much svrs for a reason but ppl dont know that!
  12. i dont think so! better try again. with 5k p def Archer hit me 5,100 its balance? i dont think! all resolved..
  13. Svr with lot of bugs!
  14. nice features and balance .
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