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About hiperis

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  1. SkyCrawlers Hellou there peeps, our humble and old CP looking to reform with new members. We starting in Skelth in less then a week and wanna fill rosters. CP was created in early C4 BFDE server and with short brakes been moving on since then. Rosters changed leadership stickt the same. And now we hope for long term project here in Skelth. Without further talks let's jump to business. We building Meele Dagger's CP - most of ppl prolly will go voicing out how daggers are bad at the moment, but we decided to go this way because of the few reasons: Small scale PvP and in clan need of Meele engagers - kamikazes. Most of us will start here in Skelth from Lv.1 except few in lv50 range. We play under BlackFlag crest. So let me tell you what we expecting from candidates. Requirements: Age: +25years old(CP is massup of 26-34y ppl) Game expierence: we EXPECT +8y old game knowledge Language: Enlish, fluent undestanding and atleast 'basic game' knowledge ability to ansver and without speaking phobia(we dont ask you to have all night conversation with british accent) Gaming Gear(working mircorphone and playing game on PC not mircrowave to be able wistand sieges/mass PvP) 2 constant subscriptions aviability(I'm sorry if for some1 it's too expensive or your moral attitudes are agains it) Game Time: Prime time - GMT+1 18.00 - 00.00 6days a week(7th offday). Setup&Positions: WC(taken) EE(taken but aviable for exchange) SwS(taken) BD(open) BP(open) Tyrant(taken) DA (open) AW (taken) TH (taken) Except WC and Tyrant rest of positions are open, we deciding classes and dividing what we gonna be playing will be decided one day before we start. If you have one of theese classes in lvl range of 1-55 and you will fit us we can pick you up aswell. We are looking 5 more players to fill the rosters. If you loyal and seriuosly minded person who wants long term project reach me out for disccusion!Discord: Diavolo#7520
  2. Selling adenas in core 1b-9e via Paypal gift or family option. Pm me here.
  3. Smooth and trusted seller.
  4. Selling never banned, never bough illegal adenas account on Core server. Aeore Eva's Saint 99(10AP)(Dual - Wynn 99(11AP)) Hellfire Talisman +15 CON dyes 4slot brooch with some lv1/lv2/3/4 jewels. Lot's of untradable stuff as vitality pot's and so on. 2nd character on same acc: Othell Ghost Hunter 98(Dual - ISS 90) vitality pots, event gear. Account have aswell few 85 toons(Maestro/Doombringer/Feoh). 85e Paypal Gift Option or 8.5b adenski in game.
  5. Buying Adenas on Core EU 10$-1b any amount, paypal verified, only from trusted and recomended seller's. Interested buying aswell account with Yull Tricster +99(with kept "Fast Shot" & "Real Target") and/or any Tyrr with KAMAEL base race. Looking to buy Kelbim Crossbow(adenas/euros). PM me here on MC. Regards.
  6. Trading my Aeore Eva's Saint 99(8AP) with dual Wynn Elemental Master 99(10AP) for Tyrr 99 with any Dual class 99 in CORE server. Aeore Eva's Saint Elf Base: 3x+5 CON dark resist dyes(+15) Helfire Talisman 4 Slot Brooch - Lv3 Opal, Diamond, Pearl, Obsidian, Emerald, Lv2 Ruby Same acc has: Othell 98/90 ISS; 85/70 Feoh SPH(with arcana power kept) and few low lvl's. PA untill 2016.04.16, acc never bough adenas from black market or been banned/alerted by GM's/players. 4x vitality recovery tonic's 1h and many more stuff in WH. Looking to trade it for Tyrr Doombringer(Kamael Base) or any other Tyrr(with Kamael base) lvl99+ with any 99+ lvl dual class. Brooch'es and Talisman woud be plus. I'll use standart trading system letting interesant check acc(and doing same) and after that letting to change e-mail. After all trade will be confirmed both sides will confirm e-mail change. Because I'm having good name and belonging to one of 3 dominating clans in this server I'm not willing to get scamed or scam. PM me here only trusted and recomended users. UPDATED: Looking for any Tyrr class(prefering Kamael base) untill the current event end's.
  7. Fast and well organized traded. Recomended+++++++
  8. As title says, buying Healer +97lvl with Feoh or Wynn dual. Looking for naked character with some basic stuff(EoD/Talisman/Brooch) or prepared character with maybe some decend gear other stuff. Price will be negotioted.
  9. Trading Yul Tricster(kamael) 99.32% 13AP. Dual +97lvl For Aeore Healer Account. Trcister has: 74 EoD; Annihilation Talisman; Some Runes, Rare accecory pack's 7days. And other stuff. PM me here on MaxCheater's
  10. Account for sell: Yul Tricster(Kamael) 99.35% (13AP) Dual: Feoh Archmage +97. Lvl3 Brooches(Opal,saphire, pearl,aquamarine,ruby,emerald) Annihilation Talisman + 69 EOD Rare accecory Box 7days 15 1h 100% XP Rune Box'es 1-85lvl. . On the same account: 85lvl NOT awakened Ghost Sentinel for Farming event's and lvl 80 Warlord for same purpose. +Characters for daily PA reward. Premium untill January 19. Selling for Euro/Adenas(Core) or TRADING to Healer Account +99 preferring Eva's Saint(with DE or WE base). If Euro only Paypal(family gift option). Open to negotiotes.
  11. Hi, I'm looking for stable working botting program for l2core aka 4game.eu . Looking for confirmation or any adrenaline version works(cracked, lastest bought). Maybe l2tover works somehow? Macrogamer? l2robot? any other clickers that can be set for farming?
  12. Does newest Tover version work on L2core aka 4game.eu?
  13. Buyin adenas on L2core server from trusted seller's(will ask for prooves ex. recomends and t.t.). WTB ADENAS 20e/1b (3b in total) Payment Method: Paypal verified PM in MxC or skype - fenixas1988
  14. not evryone want pay for pixels or have time for simple farming so if you cant help why posting crap if you dont have what to say :-)
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