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Everything posted by AnnaBurns

  1. Im sorry about it but i had to give a reply to the people that claim X and state Y. I was quite tired yesterday to post the pre-features. I shall do it later on, (evening EU time).
  2. It took you a while to google for few words about what to answer, good job. Now you can play some SuperMario.
  3. I hope you will see your mistakes and then you can correct mine. I just have a question : Are you stuck between 4 walls and a computer ? Have you ever seen the graphics from outside ? Sorry i could not help it..
  4. Dear "so called" "l2off developer" Let me answer step by step your points, I was from L2X..past tense.. , a server that i took part only as a GM with limited powers, plus...do we know each other to talk like that about me ? I mean do you really afford to talk bullshits about people that you have no recolection about ? I do not claim to be a developer, i am a software coder and knowledge for coding a silly extender is a childs play and any handicaped kid can do this. Sweet mac, you are not aware that i am working at Softlayer and i have a high position and that allows me to do things that you or any other normal person cannot. You yet judge my english while your expressions are full of flaws, Are you from AUS or UK or USA ? Or maybe your parents made you with the knowledge of english to the auth most perfection !?!?! That should be written down in the record book. I am not opening a server for the money ... i am just doing it due to a favour for a friend ... and for fun, i am here only for this reason, got it ? You should know that arrogance sometimes can throw you in the air and then you fall on the a mirror and you see it...but it hurts. ( clear message i assume ) Im done with you, no point to reply again since i clearly made my point and i have no need to prove anything to you. @Behi..whatever : Who might you be Mr. English teacher ? Another deludant person ... ? @Devlion : )
  5. Within 3-4 hours maxim ( this evening EU time ) i shall update the feature list and add aditional information. Keep an eye on the topic.
  6. I did not pointed at the website, its quite nice, i did not mention anything about it. The GF interface is something common found googled or mxc'ed, and i know what im talking about since you say that you use official files, you will have alot of issues with people that moded clients and addons overwritten on their client...do not mind me but you will get my point later on. About your developing team , well as i said, good luck, but do not forget credits later on :) proffesional is a word earned in time and proved, not teached over skype :) Cya and good luck mate.
  7. Notepad editing is quite complexe for a server 'moder' not developer since you are not. Also the GF interface that you found around MXC threads will give your players a hard time with random critical errors, but good luck in that, you will have more issues than normal. Good luck with your server its quite nice featured but keep in mind the persons behind the support and answered issues :)
  8. This is OFF section and you ask what pack ? This is not L2J :) The command for setting the olympiad stands for all extender types if im not mistaking. @Topic starter : //olympiad quick id user1 user2 [class] //olympiad result winner loser point [draw] //olympiad start_time year month day hour min //olympiad term sec [same_season] //olympiad term_ex start_sec, bonus1_sec, bonus2_sec Good luck, its quite easy
  9. Set it by command. Just a little math to be done and thats it.
  10. Reseller company from OVH, they do NOT provide any dedicated servers only VPS's. They have some monster servers at OVH and they split the up. Its a bullshit.
  11. Greetings folks, Are you tired of the boring chronicle called Interlude ? Are you tired of the same old owners repeating over and over their 2-week / 1-month servers ? Do you want something new and long lasting ? Are you looking for a balanced server ? Where you do not have SCI-FI features and OP classes ? I am here to present to you guys a Lineage 2 Offcial - Gracia Final server based on our own extender ( PTS leak ) Our server will be named : Evolution, and it will be a mid-high rate server x75. Evolution will be a retail like server without custom items but just with a custom system of farming/obtaining items. The server will be a L2OFF mid-high rate Gracia Final server PVP focused and increased XP rates allowing you to focus on the ass-kicking aspect of the game. Our website and forum will be up in around 1 month. Open beta will open 2 weeks later after website goes online. The live date is set for the 4th of April 2014. I shall update this topic with the feature list in around 2-3 days. My name is Anna aka AnneHawk, i was in the staff of the original L2X for who remembers this. (Titan GM) Our team is composed from myself as owner-developer + our webmaster ( Sleezy ) + our advertise manager and GM ( Ryan ) We are all from the USA. We will use hosting from SoftLayer ( our own hardware not rented ) Evolution will have 5 multi-layer login proxies for Europe / North America / South America / Russia / Asia If you are looking for a quality server that is not made for money and where balance is present everywhere then this is the place for you.
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