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About sharky2xyz

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  1. Today, 27 OCT at 16:00 (UTC +2) will take place, our open beta to our server, Wrath x5 On the beta server, fully implemented the concept of a server. The beta will be available until November 6, after that, we will wipe the server and will be sent for preparetion to the start. In time of beta, it's possible to encounter frequent server restarts for the affixing of fixes and changes. - Read the description of the server Features of open testing: First character on account get 2ккк SP + 2ккк Аdena + 10k TOD The first character on the account will have level 85 Special NPCs are installed for OBT, NPCs can sell any equipment, raise the level, give the Subclass and Nobless Everything you need to access the server: Registration High Five client Patch Best Regards, Lineage2Dex Staff
  2. You can vote for rates here -> http://forum.lineage2dex.com/threads/6860-What-rate-you-prefer-3x-5x-7-5x-10x?p=33692#post33692
  3. remove your post or else i'll ban u in game :)
  4. It's your fault here...With 15 euro you could buy PA 1 month + 7 days rune xp= 12 euro, and in max 4-5 days you could made 79 w/o problem :)
  5. those items are traced, i don't think some1 will buy them and after those items will be deleted :)
  6. NIM u have 10 min to delete your post or ... :)
  7. ~2y GM on serv with l2off files. For more info PM.
  8. ~2y GM on serv with l2off files. For more info PM.
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