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About Neffle

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    Burkina Faso

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  1. Hello guys , Our CP will stop playing on this server soon and we are going to sell items and chars. The List is the following : Antharas Zaken SOLD Full SPS character with AM +5 and passive Wild Magic Full SPS character with AM +5 and active Empower SOLD Other minor items , armor sets , S weapons , nobless characters , over enchanted armors A/S/ & jewels. Tons of BEAS / BEWS and tons of Gold Bars. For Prices and other informations contact me via mxc forum messages. Payment only through paypal We can use middle man services if you like.
  2. Wts items/adena on L2ovc. Inbox
  3. Bro you make me sick. stop licking balls and have some self respect. Puppet. Does he give you a treat after every post you make praising him? Does he also rubs your belly? Good Doggie.
  4. I see you are talking about fake post of clans and CPs and your forum is full of it. You brought up a post from 2014 about a clan that I was part of and now is dissolved. You copied another post of my current CP and post it on forums without even asking if we are coming. And because I like to speak the truth unlike you do , I can show the whole conversation for everyone who wants to see it. I wouldn't make a post about it neither i would take part of this fight , but it's your hypocrisy and your unproficiency that I can't stand.
  5. Hello everyone . We are looking to fill up the roster with dedicated players for new upcoming project and servers. Our next stop will propably be l2eu.com and we would like to recruit up to 4 players ( 2 drivers , 2 for main Party ) All we need to know about you is : Your age Your experience on interlude servers What classes can you play Location and Time Zone How many hours can you play per day. You must be using Teamspeak 3 and be able to speak English or Greek. Greek players will have priority on recruitment. Contact me via PM on this forum. Here is some action by our side.
  6. Hey mate , the file you have upload has been deleted. Could you upload it again and share it with us once more?
  7. Items Sold. Thank you very much.
  8. Hello everyone. Here is the current list. 2x ic set +6 tallum blade * dle +10 ds health +10 3x tt set +6 draco set enchant safe fb focus +6 fb health +5 am acu +6 Tear Of Devotions ( lower price than donate ) Here is the current Epic List. 2x tezza 1x antharas 1x zaken 1x orfen With any purchase there will be a gift like top accessories OR some armor sets, weapons safe enchanted and others. The Gifts are depending on the purchase ammount or quality. Payment Method : Only Paypal. Middle man transactions are available. Price of items are really low compared in server economy and donate items. For any question or transaction contact me in Skype : Giorgis.tsax THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. HAVE A NICE DAY!
  9. Se kati poutso-server high rate tha vreis polla tetoia onomata. eixa dei enan me name " Roufokwlis " kai apla olo to cp luthike sta gelia.
  10. L2 blaze is a full corupted server , with max 400 people online ( the others are edit and offline shops ) . blaze has opened like 200 times in the past and always last 1 month. The server owners are doing this project for their profit and the dont care about the servers reputation. thats why you will find there the mostly desperate clans and random people. I Can recomend you an upcoming server with 3-4k Online in the first month and a garantee that will open from 6 to 8 months with till it start dying slowly. This server is the l2 cleacer ( l2cleaver.com ) . if you want my oppinion stay away from blaze and servers like blaze. ;) have fun.
  11. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen . Relax Clan is here once again , after a quite long time , we are ready to play again ,to have fun and enjoy the gameplay with Friend and Enemies On L2 cleaver . Re-Opening on 31.01.2014. ( www.l2Cleaver.com ) Relax Clan is an International clan experienced on Mid & Low rates C6 ( Interlude ) Servers. The Clan's Community is over 4 Parties with a World Wide Nationality. For Fraps and others , you can simple right on youtube our Clan Name and you are able to watch the videos on your chose. The Clan's Recruitment is open for a short period of time and only for CPs. Not Negotiable Necessary parameters : 1. Party Members Over 6. 2. Party Kind : CC pt OR Archer PT. 3. Active party Members 4. Age : Over 18 years old 5. English speaking players ( Or At Least the most of party members ) 6. Users Of Team Speak 3 or Raid Call. Contact Ways : 1. Via Skype : Giorgis.tsax or Noxelikos4 2. Via MXC Forum : pm Neffle We are here to stay , we dont need emo quiters or a zerg full of kidos. Thank You And Have Fun. Brought to You By : Neffle
  12. I mean that the second text should have the symbol of the picture and the sentence "Phoenix Knight"
  13. Cool!! Here are my things! Signature: nick: Neffle text: 2nd Photo + Phoenix Knight Text 2 : Unique #1 http://postimg.org/i...ru6u9/467815d6/ http://www.lineage2....sses-knight.jpg Thank you a lot.!!
  14. And i though your Level of Speed edit was : ASIAN! :D :troll:
  15. He totally means that. I always play with enter chat and istead of F1 , F2 , F3 etc etc... i use the numbers "1" , "2" , "3" etc etc... all you need to do is to "tick" the "enter Chat" on game options. Here is a screen!! ~~~~> http://postimg.org/image/dvi0i0vnr/
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