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Everything posted by dealornodeal

  1. +1 from me, succesfull trade,, fast and friendly
  2. Alright folks, im here for a long time, mostly was just buying stuff. Now im leaving finnaly and forever this game since some little thing that apeared lately in my life deserves all my attention. I got some nice items that are to precious to keep on my char so ill offer you to buy it. What i got to sell is: +8 Dark Eternal Heavy Set Tauti 1h Axe [sOLD] Tauti Ring Chef Monkey Belt Queen Ant Soul Ring I can make a Package Price too. greetings
  3. bought 20kkk, fast and friendly, trusted
  4. like title says, core server, pm offers
  5. bought 1kkk, delivered superfast, thx
  6. bought 2kkk, fast delivery and nice guy, thx!
  7. got the adena, thx
  8. where are my adena my friend? waiting for it!
  9. WTS following items on Core Server EU. Tauti 1-h Axe +8 blessed Seraph heavy Set 3X120 Queen Ant Soul Ring SOLD Ekimus Belt Frintezza Soul Necklace Octavis Ring Warrior Istina Earring clean Beleth Ring I accept only Banktransfer, no PayPal. got scammed to often with PayPal. Pm me offers. Merry Christmas!!!
  10. take care its a scammer, logged out of skype after received money his skype contact is Daniel Wiciu and he is from Poland
  11. i vouch for him, all went smooth, thx again
  12. bought again, thx again ;)
  13. +1 from me trusted
  14. friendly and trusted +1 from me
  15. +++ from me bought 2kkk adena, friendly and fast, thx again
  16. today two people tried to scam me. they send me a bill instead of the money and marked the bill as paid. They both said that THEY paid the bill (infact they sent me a bill) and that i will receive the money right after they got the adena. (In the first post my name is Lineage 2 and in the second freakadadisk, i changed it because there are to many with Lineage 2 Name and nobody ever finds me) those two scammer are: Maxcheatersaccount: gloph sent bill with email: ninjatatkikz@gmail.com [20:50:50] qwerty qwerty: hello [20:51:21] Lineage 2: hi, im dealornodeal from Maxcheaters, did you wrote me? [20:51:27] qwerty qwerty: yes [20:51:34] qwerty qwerty: you selling adena core right? [20:51:42] Lineage 2: yes [20:51:46] qwerty qwerty: price for 2b? [20:52:04] Lineage 2: 68€ [20:52:29] qwerty qwerty: can we make it in 2 parts? [20:52:39] Lineage 2: np for me [20:52:57] Lineage 2: im not a adena farmer, i sold all my stuff and will leave the game [20:53:01] qwerty qwerty: ah [20:53:03] Lineage 2: have no time anymore [20:53:08] qwerty qwerty: tell me mail [20:53:32] Lineage 2: second i log on skype, are you in game? [20:53:42] Lineage 2: log on paypal i mean [20:54:03] qwerty qwerty: im log 2 game too [20:54:04] qwerty qwerty: sec [20:54:09] qwerty qwerty: just tell me paypal mail [20:54:09] qwerty qwerty: :) [20:54:33] Lineage 2: xxx [20:56:02] Lineage 2: pls write for virtual item in bill [20:57:46] qwerty qwerty: check pp [20:58:05] Lineage 2: why you send me a bill? i thought you want to buy? [21:21:35] qwerty qwerty: sry im b [21:21:42] qwerty qwerty: checked paypal? [21:22:34] Lineage 2: you sent me a bill, i thought you want to buy adena? [21:22:49] qwerty qwerty: i made mistake [21:22:50] qwerty qwerty: sry [21:26:45] Lineage 2: will you send now a gift, or dont we make the deal? and Maxcheatersaccount: Fantomas11 bill sent with email: sunny911@list.ru [21:33:53] freakadadisk: hi did you wrote me on maxcheaters forum? or did i add the wrong person? [21:34:14] Sunny Mindel: yes [21:34:20] Sunny Mindel: you sell items /adena? [21:34:40] freakadadisk: i have 12kkk adena to sell and a seraph heavy set +6 [21:34:52] freakadadisk: its almost full attribute [21:35:39] Sunny Mindel: price [21:36:14] freakadadisk: 35€/1kkk - 68€/2kkk - 99€/3kkk - 128€/4kkk - 155€/5kkk - 180€/6kkk - 210€/7kkk - from 8kkk 30€/kkk [21:36:35] freakadadisk: the set is 70€ worth i think [21:36:54] Sunny Mindel: 12b = price? [21:37:14] freakadadisk: 360 [21:37:19] freakadadisk: € [21:37:25] freakadadisk: not dollar :) [21:37:49] freakadadisk: do you live in the usa? [21:37:53] Sunny Mindel: how do we do a deal? [21:38:09] Sunny Mindel: I now work in Europe [21:38:09] Sunny Mindel: ( (flag:gb) I now work in Europe ) [21:38:46] freakadadisk: you can decide, im not a adena farmer, it my first time i sell. i sold all my stuff and will leave the game bec no time anymore to play [21:39:07] freakadadisk: but i want the money first, before i send/give you the adena ingame [21:39:35] freakadadisk: i can show you ingame the adena so that you know i got it [21:39:38] Sunny Mindel: give me paypal [21:40:27] freakadadisk: xxx [21:41:04] freakadadisk: if you send money pls write its for virtual items so i dont get any problems [21:41:23] freakadadisk: or gift it if you can, in germany we dont have the gift option [21:41:59] Sunny Mindel: check [21:42:29] freakadadisk: you sent a bill :^) [21:42:56] Sunny Mindel: Yes, I paid for it [21:43:10] Sunny Mindel: so safe [22:02:36] freakadadisk: so i did not received any money, but a bill. what may i do with the bill? [22:03:29] Sunny Mindel: money paid in full and as soon as I get what you promised they will be immediately on your balance [22:07:13] Sunny Mindel: well? [22:07:32] freakadadisk: i received a bill from you. but i want to sell you adena, not pay a bill. if you dont tranfer me money i wont give you adena [22:08:36] Sunny Mindel: https://www.paypal.com/ru/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/Help/popup/StatusTypes#txn_status_marked_paid [22:08:39] Sunny Mindel: CHECK [22:10:08] freakadadisk: you send me a bill and mark it as paid. so i received no money. dont send me bills, send me the money and you will get your adena.
  17. as title says, i need a cheap lvl 99 healer. no equip or enchanted skills needed, can be naked. i need infos about isp through which it was created and if possible picture of early stage of character. i already lost accounts because i couldnt provide such infos to GMs. offer in pm
  18. trustworth and friendly, thx again
  19. WTB Frintezza Soul Necklace or Bottle on Core. Only from trusted users with € or ingame with adena.
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