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About Franky

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  1. Hi, Im looking for Adrenaline Anti CAPTCHA (Ill pay for it) But I want 1 payment script, not paying 6€ per month as I saw. Thx
  2. Nice website, did you copy from https://www.l2levimus.com or they copied from you? xD
  3. Ye, online with 69 players. And if im not wrong, built with sh**y L2JSunrise GL with project
  4. From L2 LEvimus forum: There is no Gear in Donate shop. However there are attribute stones and 100% scrolls that go up to +12. (Max is +14) WTF??? Pay2win, no thx
  5. Ajam, ajam...
  6. I dont see any time for olys, can you please tell me when will be? As in last Mythras, there was a "bug" where Olys went from 20:00 to 4:00 am, also, the time was never the same at all, I can remember first day 18:00 to 2:00, second day 16:00 to 0:00, then 20:00 to 1:00.... until last day when I had to go to sleep (as a normal person) and olys continued until 4:00.. crazy Thx for answering, if you ever know when time will be, as look like u never had idea about this :)
  7. Well, the design is not that bad, in that case he is bad with english xD
  8. Whats the difference between regular and custom system? I belive the custom got damage on screen etc? Thx
  9. I just want a brand new server, maybe I get bored after few hours or days, but I like the action on a new server :D
  10. I actually lose my time playing to many things hahaha I miss some L2 action
  11. Ill give a chance to the server, hope no epic donations etc, tired of LOL and overwatch, I miss a character to lvl and equip xD Looks good, rates and max enchant +12, like it
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