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Posts posted by eressea

  1. Seems like it's made just in AI - just search for something like this:

    	push_event	//  talker
    	push_const 40			//talker
    	fetch_i			//race
    	push_const 152			//race
    	push_const 2			//unary->INTEGER_CONST
    	branch_false L3894

    in AI classes derived from guild_master_lv3 - the example above is for (light) elf so there's compare against value '2' (dark elf), for dark elves there will be push_const 1 (to compare if talker isn't light elf)


    I don't really expect this event to work flawlessly as my researches showed that it's quite bugged on the Dr. Turkey Stage and I doubt anyone cared about it enough to fix it (at least publicly), and so you can't have santa delivering gifts at random.


    I know this is really OLD topic but I found it and was wondering if anyone fixed this bug... It seems like not so here is the fix:




    The whole problem is in l2server side support for NPC function CreateOnePrivateNearUser. It sends CreatePacket but Koreans made some changes in it (added instance ID) so it got broken. As Santa event is the only AI that uses this function, they probably don't know about it :)

  3. First, you've probably set some password when installing MySQL.

    Second, you shouldn't use root (administrator) MySQL account for running l2j - you should create another user, eg. run this under root:


    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gameserver.* TO gameserver@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 's0m3n3wp455w0rdf0rg4m353rv3r'; -- create gameserver user

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON loginserver.* TO loginserver@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 's0m3n3wp455w0rdf0rl0g1n53rv3r'; -- create loginserver user

    FLUSH PRIVILEGES; -- just for sure

    and then use username "gameserver" in gameserver and "loginserver" in loginserver... (look in gameserver.properties and loginserver.properties)


    Elementary, my dear Watson


    EDIT: sorry, I had 'l2j' in the grant query instead of 'loginserver' / 'gameserver' - now it should be ok

  4. Why C4? If you want C4, you don't need any big extender (just few security bugfixes), if you want Interlude, it would be better to base it on GF and just remove few features (most of them already can be disabled in MyExt64 config, the only two big features left are putting buffs+s/d together and to change reuse time calculation) and change packets to be compatible with older client (not so difficult)

  5. Codecrash is ignorant enough to deny that MariaDB is the best rdbms, don't waste your time


    You can't simply say it's best - it's best for some purposes, but some databases are better for other purposes.


    For example if I wanted to work with map coordinates, I would use PostgreSQL because there's PostGIS geographical extension for this database.

    For "normal" stuff I'd use MySQL but when it comes to some big amounts of data (billions of rows etc), MySQL can have problem with it.

    If I valued stability most of all, I'd maybe use Oracle database and if I wanted to have something to smoothly cooperate with other parts of Microsoft ecosystem, I'd use Microsoft SQL Server.

    There are even more SQL databases, notably sqlite which is great if you need to have SQL engine embedded in your application. And more and more... :)


    • There actually way more sql databases
    • MySQL queries are almost identical to SQL Server and the only major differences would be the limit keyword in MySQL which is TOP in SQL Server, some update with joins queries and stored procedures that no one in this forum ever used.



    MySQL/MariaDB nowadays is far more advanced than the old SQL Server we use for l2off...


    There is bunch of differences, not just stored procedures, but also lot of different built-in functions (much more advanced work with datetime/unix timestamps), triggers, named locks, master-slave replication, galera (wsrep) clustering, ...


    SQL Server 2005 is really old stuff I'd not recommend for anything except l2off (and for l2off just because it requires this particular version)

  7. Those are two different SQL databases - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_SQL_Server and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL

    If the web is written for MySQL, you'll need to install it, you can get it here (don't worry it's called MariaDB, think of it as of better MySQL): https://downloads.mariadb.org/

    Also you can't run MySQL queries in Microsoft SQL Server - you need to create all the stuff in MySQL (MariaDB) database.

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