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Posts posted by eressea

  1. tried the freeware ext c4 and tbm I did not see this bug of dupe yet, also the extender of vangath tested only have no infinity shots, auto loot and some rubbish custons, like raid info, castle info, lock, rest and Only use more accurate dates. I believe that NCSOFT does not use extender dll but rather codes in the SQL itself with the C ++ application indicating the base dates.



    Sry my Bad English,( Translate Google )


    Why would NCsoft reverse engineer their own code? :) We write extenders only because we don't have the original sources. If we had them, it would be 1000 times easier to fix/change anything...

  2. There are 4 real possibilities:

     - buying Vanganth from someone or from Advext64 team (Interlude, Gracia Final 83/87 supported)

     - buying Advext64 from Advext64 team (Interlude, Gracia Final 83, Gracia Epilogue, H5)

     - getting MyExt64 for free (Gracia Final 83/87, Gracia Epilogue support almost done)

     - hiring some skilled l2off dev to write your own extender


    If you'll use Interlude or Gracia Final, there's plenty of script/ai packs that are really good. If you'll use Gracia Epilogue or H5, you'll have to work on it because nobody sells GOOD Epilogue data (Advext64 data is really not bad but it's still bit mixed with Gracia Final and Freya quests/features, or at least was one year back; ask Xeonc for more details).

  3. How are Gracia_final parts 100%? Or just the basics to work?


    It's based on leaked Gracia Final so literally everything works. All major bugs it had should be fixed by now and if you use it as Gracia Final server (proto 83/87), everything should work for you (maybe except Rainbow Springs Chateau - we didn't test it properly and we have some feedback that it doesn't work well - but that will be probably problem in data, not in core)

  4. i see  


    well in the mean time silver shilen will be usefull for farm zone and quest item

    noone will be able to dupe that since is a quest coin : P


    but if they can dupe items that will be a problem lol


    If you can dupe adena this way, you can dupe items as well!

  5. you know gracia final opened access to gracia continent

    unfortunately instead of full gracia we got some locations of gracian prison complex


    i want capital city of gracia



    here is an example - really good one



    only placed in wrong location


    Ah :D I'm good at programming but really not at 3D modelling...


    Is the extender apt to be used on a Live Epilogue server? Or Just for Final Grace?

    Would this extender have the chance to use All-In-One Char Buffer with buffer time in .ini?

    Once again Congratulations on the beautiful work. Testing with Epilogue Files



    I'm aiming for full Epilogue support (see epilog-support branch)

    All-in-one buffer isn't so hard to implement but it's not priority at the moment (on the other hand, you can fork it and write it and if it's well done, I'd be glad to merge it back to my repo)

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