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Posts posted by eressea

  1. Hi, MyExt64 is considered "complete" - it's playable and almost complete Gracia Epilogue. First I wanted to extend it to Freya/H5 but then I got H5 files... so I started to work on H5 extender - but I didn't have much time for it; I hope I'll start working on it again soon as my L2 Shrine teammate Jorn seems to have some free time soon to help me (but it really depends on many factors)

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  2. Also, if you can, use hauthd and MD5 passwords. NCsoft hash isn't really cryptographic and can be easily reversed to original password (or different string, but it works too, there are lot of collisions in results of this hashing function) so if anybody manages to steal your database, they'll be able to get passwords from it very quickly.

  3. Hi, it's about what's the NPC is doing:



    • Thanks 2
  4. On 8/1/2019 at 10:52 PM, Plawed said:

    Hi, currently im using your f'n awesome extender with auto_get=true in skillaquire.txt for auto learn skills... with auto_get=true though, it seems when players delevel even just a level below they lose auto_get skills right away. 

    Normally its like 9-10 or so levels, without auto_get=true? for gracia or something like that I thought... 4 on Classic now I think. One simple solution is to prevent deleveling all together... but, I'd prefer to keep that game mechanic.


    So if at all possible, I'd like to submit a feature request:


    Configure player skill removal so that skills are kept until their character's level drops a set number of levels below the skillquire.txt get_lv.



    ; Skills will not be removed from players unless they down level below above value.

    ; Default 9, skill loss on 10th level below skill learn level.



    Hi, please try it and let me know if it works, I don't have enough time to test it now :/ https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/extender-public/commits/d45cf9fa0126fb02bc4f4ae2c89d1cc78a2aedb4

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  5. 8 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    It would be great if in any case of death, from mobs, guards, pvp, pc,% exp decreased, but the maximum level would never be dropped ... =) or that% exp also does not decrease ..)

    I'll see what I can do


    8 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    although by and large I can remove items and their pieces only from the drop, spoil, quests, boxes, and then no one except the GM can get this item? right? =)

    Should be right. Don't forget to remove recipes and key items.


    On 7/7/2019 at 3:49 PM, Hitcher said:

    I get a server crash when creating any of the characters with an active Kamael off function..

    +    WriteMemoryBYTES(0x925288, "\x76\x7F", 2);
    +    WriteMemoryBYTES(0x925297, "\x76\x7F", 2);

     Unfortunately it did not work ... please, what other options are there?)

    Hopefully fixed, try it now please (git pull --rebase)

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    Will it be possible to use ready scripts from interlude?

    You would need to convert all scripts to GF syntax (added vars, changed vars, ...) plus decompile AI and compile it again for GF


    6 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    Unfortunately it did not work ... please, what other options are there?)

    Sure, I just need to have enough time to test it instead of blind editing the code :D


    6 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    Is it possible to make the experience not diminish at death from mobs at the maximum level (80, and 85)? or so that the level is not reset back?

    Just from mobs? How about guards? How about other players? PvP/PK, ... ? :)

  7. 23 hours ago, Hitcher said:


    I would like to stay on the GE client (under your wing, with protection)) (with good graphics, interface), but at the same time, downgrade all elements to IL ..) Could you tell me how I should do? Use Osie GF-IL algorithms for items (is it possible?), Or lower everything manually in scripts ...?)


    I get 28 errors when trying to build a solution: error C2664: 'GetPrivateProfileStringA' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const wchar_t *' to 'LPCSTR'
            Types pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style cast or function-style cast.

    Please tell me what I have to do to make it all right ...

    this only happens in debug mode. In release mode, everything works out right, and in the x64 - release folder - many files are created, how can I convert them into one MyExt64 dll file?


    OSIE does almost nothing (and if I'm not wrong, I've ported all stuff from there to MyExt64). What "algorithms for items" do you mean?


    Don't build debug, it's still perfectly debuggable if you really need it.

  8. 14 hours ago, Hitcher said:

    EMCA, thanks for your reply.

    Please tell me, Is it possible to create a list of items that the server should not upload to the world? (by Id or by name.)

    or how can I remove the loading of items from the itemdata script so as not to receive a critical server shutdown ..?)

    I get a message (Parsing BuilderCmdAlias file failed) and the server is closed when I delete item from Itemdata /


    You need to delete those items from itemdata.txt, item_pch.txt and also from drops in npcdata.txt

  9. 49 minutes ago, vladislavl2a said:

    no, i get message from windows "the implementation of this application is blocked by an administrator. For more information, contact the administrator".


    Then it's SmartScreen blocking it. Try to set it just to warn you, not to block it:




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